Saturday, October 08, 2005


Hey everyone,

I am sure you all caught the news of the devastating earthquake that shook three countries: Pakistan, Indian and Afghanistan, with the Pakistani-administered Kashmir region being the worst hit. It certainly is devastating, with the current figures at 806 at the time of writing, and looks set to rise into the 1000s. A series of aftershocks, including one of 6.3 magnitude and four more at 5.4 or above, shook the region, creating new panic among residents.

Map of earthquake

The quake measured 7.6 on the Richter scale, but some reports are claiming it was higher at 7.8. The epicentre was 80km (50 miles) north-east of Islamabad. My hometown of Lahore also seems to be affected, as reflected in various comments left by people in Lahore:

The tremors in the morning were really terrifying. There was again a 2 minute aftershock felt to be the same as the morning some 15 - 20 mins back. We hope people remain safe all within. Mustafa Rana, Lahore, Pakistan

I was asleep in my first floor room and woke up when I felt a swaying and shaking movement. The quake grew in intensity for a while and then started subsiding; it lasted almost 7 minutes. We are still experiencing after shocks and I can only imagine the panic they must be causing in the harder hit areas.
Amera Salman, Lahore, Pakistan

I was in the bathroom this morning in my home on the outskirts of Lahore at about 0845am when the walls and floor started to shake. My senses sharpened up and I readied myself to leap underneath a door frame if things should start to collapse. A very long thirty seconds later and the ground returned to its usual stable self. And this is in Lahore, I can only imagine what it must have been like in Kashmir.
Jude Heaton, Lahore, Pakistan


It was the worst earthquake in the history of Pak. Once in 1986 a strong earthquake came but this was the worst one. All the houses were swaying.
Hamza Sohail, Lahore, Pakistan

I remember the 1981 earthquake at Lahore to be the most dreadful, today's one was the most horrifying, if it could lasted for another 5-10 seconds, Lahore could have been wiped out.
Jamil Irshad, Lahore, Pakistan

There are loads of other eyewitnesses account. I remember when I was in Lahore back in 1993, when my siblings and I experienced a brief moment of being caught in an earthquake. It was in the afternoon, when I was on the bed, my sister on the sofa and my brother in the tv lounge. Suddenly, my bed was shaking, and I did not realize it till seconds later. My whole bed had moved inches away from the wall, the fan was swinging and the sofa had also moved away from the wall sufficiently enough. It was a scary moment, and I cannot imagine how much more scary it would have been for the people in the hardest hit areas.

Villages have been wiped out. Emergency supplies are being distributed. There are 1000s of volunteers helping the army and soldiers remove those caught under the rubble. I pray the poeple of the affected region find the patience to deal with such a gargantuan loss. Let us all be aware of the devastation Mother Nature can give to this world. Let us be more aware that there is someone much more powerful than us on this world, and that is God.


When the tsunami struck Indonesia, every jumped out of their seats claiming that God is sending a message. When Hurricane Katrina struck, everyone said it is a message to the Americans. Now, President Musharraf himself said that this earthquake is a "test for the nation." Is this quake a message to the people to stop the daily bloodshed in Kashmir? Is this a message to the Pakistanis to better themselves, especially in light of the recent "gay marriage?" I don't know. I am not sure. People will speculate on it. One of the most haunting images I saw was when a live program being telecast recorded the earthquake. The sets were swaying from side to side, all the while the host and the two guests were chanting Allah-o-akbar over and over. They were scared and it showed. Moments like these reminds us all of the One who created us all, and in times of despair we all turn to God.

However, I do want to end on the note that while the whole earthquake may seem senseless to some, who may also be asking "why bad things happen to good people," I firmly believe that God is in control of the world we are living in, and He is running it. We have to comfort in this fact: while there may seem to be disorder, God is keeping everything under His control and in order. To all the people who are affected by this natural disaster, I say to them: keep hope!



Anonymous said...

Yeah...maybe you can sell your Private Road Construction to the earthquake region.....loool....

Anonymous said...

the figure has risen to 2000+ ......

Ancient Poem said...

I heard that there were screams of women and children. Many are still trapped inside and people could hear cries. It's a tragic scene.

May Allah(SWT) help them.

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