Monday, June 05, 2006

The Da Vinci Code Banned!

Hello friends,

Guess what? Pakistan has decided to ban the movie The Da Vinci Code. As we all know, Pakistan is one country with the highest rate of piracy crime, and I am sure once the movie is banned, the prices of the pirated DVD will skyrocket. I begin to think-- of all the times the minorities have been mistreated in my country, the sudden support from the government seems funny. Maybe, it might take a situation like this-- banning the book and movie-- to unite the Muslims and Christians.

I wonder where the government went when The Passion of the Christ was released. I know Muslims don't necessarily agree with what happened to Christ in that movie (resurrection) so wasnt the sensibilities of the Muslims hurt then?



Anonymous said...

The place i read this news online..i think yahoo news...they imply that the muslim majority is also the cause of banning this movie as it is offensive to relegion....hehehehe never has that happened in pakistan before...i wonder what the actual reason for banning it is??

take care

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

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