Saturday, July 22, 2006

Driving in Dubai

Hey friends,

If I were to swear at all the people who drive like maniacs here in Dubai, or park in all the wrong places, or double park, or change lanes without giving indicators, or over speed, or drive on hard shoulders, or use hazard signs for wrong reasons, or cut in front of me abruptly, or drive too slow in a fast lane, or drive over a solid white line into my lane, or over taking recklessly, I would have the entire encyclopedia of all the swear words imaginable.

They say a picture says a thousand words, well here you go!

(courtesy of



Nash said...

Lool, hey, looks like the guy got a good parking spot.

Anonymous said...

If you think that is bad then try Saudi!!!

- Ensee

Mansour said...

the thing with saudi is that its a more spread out city, especially the newer areas, and so you are not restricted to tight two lane roads like you are in some part of dubai.....the roads are comparitively smaller here...which is makes it all the more annoying to drive...the biggest joke has got to be the 1 hour plus commuting time from sharjah to dubai....and weirdly enough, Dubai will do anything to improve its roads networks within the city, but will never tackle the madness that is travelling between sharjah and dubai....

Anonymous said...

If you think that is bad then try Saudi!!!

totally agree

Natasha !!

Anonymous said...

you look v. cute in ur picture

HA! Entertainment said...

what the hell the car's doing there...
Good picture! hahaha.

Anonymous said...

This is crazy!

flamin said...

lollll i think i've seen this pic before. little roads and TOO many cars!

Anonymous said...

more on coffee here:

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