Monday, August 13, 2007

14th August 2007

Hello friends,

I know it's been so long since I last posted anything on my blog. So much has been happening I don't even know where to start.

For one, I have finally moved out of Dubai back to my hometown Lahore in Pakistan. It feels great to be here, and I don't miss Dubai a whole lot (except my friends!) Secondly, I started my new job, which is going good so far-- the only downside is the 1 hour commuting one way! Thirdly, I am busy with the finishing stages of the house my family is having built. It's a very exciting project for all of us, as we all have the privilege of getting to do the bedroom and bathroom our own way!

Tomorrow is a public holiday. 14th August 2007 will make Pakistan 60 years old. I am not doing anything because I don't see a reason to celebrate. The state of Pakistan is in a pathetic state with all the politics and dirty games being played by the politicians. The common man is still suffering out there while the rich are living a lifestyle of wealth and luxury. It's sad to see such a massive contrast between the poor and the rich.

Happy Independence day to Pakistanis all over. As for me, I am having a bunch of relatives/ friends come over to my apartment to hang out/ watch movie/ have dinner. I am thinking maybe I should cook something. :-)

Cheers you all, and I hope to start blogging more regularly now.



Anonymous said...

Hey good to hear things r well and settling down...will InshAllah talk to u soon...

take care


Mansour said...

Hey HA,

Good to hear from you. Glad to know all is well at your end!


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