Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Lost 3

Hey friends,

I just finished watching the finale episode of Lost 3, and I cannot tell you how overwhelmed I am with the entire season. While Season 3 started off slow, it progressed to captivate and enthrall me. I was spell-bound and taken into the mysteries of the island on which the Lost-ies were stranded. Back story was revealed as to how the Others came to this island.

As some of the previous questions were answered, they only brought in newer questions: who is Jacob? What is that black smoke? Are they really dead or alive? What is the Magic Box? I have countless other questions in my mind, but then that's the best part about Lost: it's interactive. No other tv show is like Lost, which has mysteries, romance, action, humor, drama and what not!

I wish I could divulge the entire season 3 here on the blog, but then that would do injustice to those who have not seen the show.

One of my favorite scene was between Jack and Kate, when he finally says to her what we all have been waiting for him to say all through season 1 and 2, but alas, it's too late! Also, I will say that the final episode of Season 3 is probably one of the best tv episode I have seen of any show. I literally had goosebumps as one of the main characters dies on screen. I was overjoyed towards the end for other reasons. I was mad at the Others, yet was still sympathising with them. And THAT ending between Jack and Kate...just bowled me over and literally made me scream out in frustration/ anger/ joy/ excitement as season 3 finished on such a mad, wicked, intelligent, couldn't-see-it-coming TWIST!!!

Bring on Season 4!!!! :-) I swear, I need to buy the box sets for all seasons and have it in my DVD library!


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