Saturday, August 21, 2004

The One with the Cranes

Hi Friends,

Haven’t you ever wondered how they ever managed to extend cranes higher and higher? Did you ever figure out how they are able to increase the height of the crane? I have always thought about this for as long as I can remember.

Every time I passed a site, I would look at the crane and wonder ‘how the heck do they get that crane on to the site?’ Do they bring it all in one piece from somewhere else? Do they bring it and attachĂ© it piece by piece? Do they raise the whole crane, and add the additional piece at the bottom? How do they raise the crane?

Well, you know what? I got the opportunity to see how cranes are actually extended.

What happens is that you have the additional crane sections, which is about 3 meters high. The crane operator lifts that section up, and brings it up to the level where it needs to be added. Now, there are four people already at the top of the crane, each standing at four corners of the crane. They stand just below where the crane operator sits. When the section arrives to that level, they hang the section onto the crane’s hook.

Below where the crane operator sits, there is a hydraulic jack system. This hydraulic pushes up the box where the crane operator is. So when that happens, there is a space between the operator and the rest of the crane below. The hanging section is slid in the empty area and fixed with thick nuts and bolts. Hello, are you still awake?

I don’t have pictures of what I have just described here, soon, I will get some.

Keep on hanging in there,


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