Monday, February 07, 2005

Dorms or Apartment?

Hey all,

the satellite people called today and by 7pm, I should hopefully be connected to the rest of the world, including JJKN. LOL!

I left my building in the morning today and my watchman was sitting there. I have struck a friendly rapport with him, and he is extremely nice. Yesterday, he saw my mom leaving for the airport, and so today, he was like: we are here for you; if you are lonely, let us know. The first thing that hit me was: living in your own place sure is better than living in the dorms. I could only think back of the time I was at university and staying the dorms there (of which I have no fond memories!)

I had a great time in the dorms when I was in the US, but here in the Emirates, I had a really bad time. There were so many issues that made the dorm atmosphere sombre and gloomy. The biggest issue I had was the curfew time. I had to be in my dorm by 11pm weekdays and 12midnight weekends. When I shared this with my friends, they could not believe it. Being at an American University, I have to observe curfew timings. There was only one supervisor who was a nice person. The others were like sadistic prison wardens who were hell-bent on making sure to note down which students came late. Of course, some students bribed some of the supervisors to not mark them absent.

I did not understand why the authorities at my university were so keen to get the students back in the dorms by 11pm. I mean, we were dealing with students who were as old as 25! I guess some universities dont learn-- and they claim to have a lively, jovial atmosphere in the dorms.

Living in my own place is so awesome. I cannot believe the freedom I have. I think the students who enjoyed living in the dorms were those students coming from places like Saudi and were making the most of the freedom they had in the Emirates.

Is there anyone out there who prefers to live in the dorms??



Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I think the 2 are very different scenarios. Boarding school has its own charm. I mean there is more of a strict routine and yet people still try to do their own thing. My expereince in boarding school was a good one. I made friends and I am still in touch with a whole bunch of them. Meals times were fun. So much choice and variety ! I also enjoyed interacting with all the girls (my friends). Gossip sessions, sharing things, shopping, movies !

I have never really lived on my own but I am sure its tough. You are basically left on your own to do everything. Paying bills can be brutal. One needs to be more responsible for their own actions also. Noone is there to guide you or assist you. You are bascially on your own for everything.

Anyhow, enjoy this experience also. You will be amazed as to how soon you will become so accustomed to doing things YOUR way. Its an expereince that helps you grow :)

Mansour said...

hey anonymous,
thanks a million for sharing us your view on dorm living. For the sake of curiosity, can you let me know who you are. Just initials might help if you still want to stay anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Mansur....its me Sai :)

I keep forgetting to post my initials. S.A. bad.

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