Friday, July 22, 2005

Almost A Year....!

Hey friends,

On August 20th this year, it will be one year for me to write this blog. Within this one year, I have seen ups and downs. I learnt a lot of new things-- mainly about how easy it is stereotype people and countries and how I should avoid it. I have shared my life with readers out there. I have shared my personal interests and passions. Having said all that, there is a real reason for my writing this blog. I have basically grown a whole lot.

This blog of mine was supposed to be a personal thing. When I first started it, only Xena knew about it. But, as I got into the blogosphere, I discovered great talents out there who maintained their blogs. Soon, comments were being left here, as I left comments there. In a macrocosm way, blogging became a more elaborate form of chatting. I got to know new people who I may never have otherwise. The situation developed such that in my heart, I want to meet all these people who are frequent visitors here.

However, this blog was never planned as a long-term thing. It was a short term thing, and of late, I think I will come to a closure on August 20th 2005. One complete year. It will be a chapter of my life closed. I will move onto other things in my life. It has been a very therapeutic thing for me. I always write in my personal journal by hand, and writing online has been awesome, but does have it's negative aspects (I cannot share taboo topics). Writing always help me look back at my life and see how much progress I have made. Sure, there are bound to be some people out there who will never get to know the real me, and proceed to call me names and all, like a certain Mr. Faraz Rabbani, from Seeker's Digest, who went ahead and called me (plus you commentors) idiots for writing that Burj Al Arab article.

However, leading towards the end of the blog, I will share a story with you, in several parts, that I have been meaning to do so. Something that is personal to me; something that made me grow up fast; something that made me realize how evil this world is; something that makes me want to do something with my life to change this world for the better! Hopefully this story will mark the end of my blog so I can move on.

Watch out for this space as I share this story with you all!



Anonymous said...

Mansur---I know you have been through this phase twice before where you want to close your blog, but I sense something else is happening here. I for one am dying to see what you have to share with us that has changed your life. I know this may sound lame, but I am kinda begging you to not close your blog. Please, with sugar and sweets...hey, I can treat you to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory if you don't close your blog! :)


Jo said...

Mansur: Personally I think you should keep blogging. You don't have to blog every day, but anytime you feel like it. Am sure blogging has changed you, and probably made you into a better person, as I'm begining to see changes in myself and I've only been blogging for a couple of months lol. But really, Mansur so many people read you blog, which goes to show how great it is. At the end of the day, it is up to you, and you should do whatever you're comfortable with.
Also maybe you cannot share taboo topics, but so what?! I have written far more controversial things in my blog than I have seen in any of your posts. Dude, you read Arab News, and they are far more critical of Saudi than you, and if they can get away with it, then surely no one will hunt you down lol.
P.S. If you do get nasty comments so what?! We all do! Who cares dude! Those people are too sad and pathetic to be annoyed by them. I mean, bloody hell, why would anyone bother leaving a nasty comment at a blog they don't like?! Why waste time?! What kind of a person has nothing more interesting to do than leave a nasty comment?! Is that type of a person someone you would allow yourself to be bothered by?!

muscati said...

Mansur - I simply can't understand it when anyone quits writing online, regardless whether it is blogging or writing in a forum. Do you feel that blogging become a chore for you? Do you force yourself to write in your blog every day?

In 5 days it will be one year since I started my current blog. There are times when I write multiple posts in a day, and there are times when I go for days without a post. I don't see anything wrong with it.

I hope you change your mind.

Mansour said...

As I mentioned earlier in my original post, my blog was never meant to be a life-time kind of thing. It was meant as short term thing. I also keep another blog elsewhere, so it's not like I am going off the radar.


Anonymous said...

Just for the record, I didn't state that you're an idiot--not did I imply it. I just found the post and picture interesting, and that is all I was implying...

Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on!

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