Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Beauty- Skin Deep or Superficial?

Hi friends,

Is beauty really skin-deep? Or is it superficial? I know many have talked about this issue about beauty, and a lot of people talk about how inner beauty is more important and all. They tell us to not worry about the outer appearance and to look at the inside of a person. But I wonder, how can I look at a person’s inner beauty without having to look at the outer appearance?

This program called Extreme Makeover, which I saw on TV tonight, bugged me. The girl in question had an extremely long nose, horrible teeth and flat-less chest. Her mom had been telling her from day one that she is a beautiful person. This girl had her teeth straightened and whitened. She had breasts enlargements. Her nose was re-shaped and some of the excess skin was removed. She claimed at the end of the show that “now I feel beautiful!”

I hate to admit but sometimes, outer appearance makes all the difference. I mean, when you go for job interviews, your appearance is the first thing that will matter. Which is why it is important to dress smart and all. But this looking good thing has been happening since university days for me.

Being architecture students, we had to give presentations every single week and then two major ones at the end of the semester. Apart from the work we presented, looking good was something else that mattered. I can honestly say that those students who did not bother dressing smart did not get very positive reviews, and those who looked smart, got more praise than they deserved. Even I would wear contact lens and wear my finest clothes and shoes. Immediately, the jury would sit up and pay attention. To put this theory to test, I presented one of my midterm presentations in jeans, t-shirt and unshaven face and I was not taken seriously. (I could have done this test more times, but my grades were at stake! Lol!)

Looks do matter in the real world today. Your looks give the first impression to other people. It is a competitive world out there, and as much as I hate to say it, it’s the reality. But, a BIG BUT, looks are not the only thing that matter. Your intelligence also counts. If you have the looks, that’s an added bonus. At the end of the day, it is your intelligence that matters the most.

If you ask any girl out there, they will cite “good looks” as one of the top things they look for in a man. The guys would also say the same thing: “good looks.” There is nothing with that. The problem starts when the “good looks” are the only thing that matters, when it shouldn’t be that way. In fact, even in Islam, beauty is one of the criteria that a man or woman can look for in their potential spouse. So there is nothing wrong with saying that I want a beautiful wife or husband.

So what’s the answer? While I agree inner beauty/ intelligence is what matters ultimately, there is no denying that outer beauty also plays a big part in creating the first impression.



Jo said...

I took psychology at school and one of the things I learnt was that people expect good things from attractive people and bad things fron unattractive people. I don't think I do it though, but maybe I just don't realise it.

An attractive person might catch your eye, but only their character will keep your interest in the long run. That's why so many marriages are unhappy. They base their choice for a partner on looks and in the end the looks vanish and you end up with nothing.

I have to add though, that your appearance isn't just how attractive you are. Sometimes you can tell alot about someone from the way they walk, speak, and behave around others. You can tell if they're confident etc.

I know many girls who are not so attractive, yet the amount of attention men give them is unbelievable. And I know other girls who are drop dead gorgeous and NEVER get men asking them out and even worse, they don't seem to notice their beauty. So maybe it's more to do with the way you carry yourself. I think that with women it's more about how feminine they are than looks. That's just my observation...

MASS said...

its all about the gutts

just be confident, do whatever makes you happy, be proud with humblness,
as long as your confident and ofcourse you dont mess other things up

i many times got a semi shock look on faces of people when i am introduced to them
coz my beard lol

but then they get even more shocked when i start to talk,,
they dont get it there are people like that with good accents and are educated!!

any way i have to go eat lol

Anonymous said...

I think outer appearances matter the most....face it guys, that's what people will look at first. It's the make it or break it kinda scenario.....and yes, beautiful ppl have a higher chance of securing better jobs than ugly ppl do....thats a fact for life!

S.G. said...

inner self .it matters the most.faces fade.beauty vanishes with time and one is left with wrinkles and frowns.but what matters is if one is kind at heart and soul he/she can have better friends, more loved one and even more people to pray and care for them.what importance does the outer beauty/looks hold if he/she is bad at tongue.

Anonymous said...

yeah...u r talking about old age..i am talking about now....come on, outer appearance matters more...no one cares what kind of person you are....its all about the looks!!

Jo said...

Yes, it's about the looks with superficial people. But there are many, many people who have succeeded and are not attractive. A good character will get you places that looks can't and that is a fact!

Anonymous said...

lets face it....do we want to see ugly people on tv....do we want to see people with acne, bad teeth, over-weight and badly dressed? no, we dont. we want to see beautiful ppl. we want to see attractive ppl. i am sorry....i believe good looks, will get you noticed for more easily than an ugly looking person.

MASS said...

I came on TV several times so its all good for me :P

Anonymous said...

haha...i was giving an example of how people want beauty in other people. maybe the less beautiful ppl will talk about inner beauty.

Jo said...

I wasn't talking about TV since TV is obviously different. Ofcourse beauty will take you further than any other quality you may have if the profession you're in has to do with looks. But not every profession goes for looks over other qualities you may possess.
And LOL q8ibloger many, many people have been on tv and not all were HOT so ummmm ;)
And anonymous, it's actually ugly people who focus more on outer beauty. Attractive people don't even bother with beauty since they've never had any problems with their looks innit!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work

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