Sunday, July 03, 2005

Faithful Readers--- Your chance to have your say!

Hello Faithful Readers of Life of Mansur,

I am going to do something for the first time here (thanks to Jawaher's idea!) I am going to take requests from you all! I am taking in requests from you all about what my next topic should be. It can be anything you want to know about, anything at all. It can range from the dumbest of all topics to the most intellectual ones. It can be anything you want-- something totally taboo or something totally accepted. Anything. This is your chance people! Be the first to have your say. Be the first to make your voice heard. Let it all out. What is that one burning issue you want other people to know? What is that one thing you want to let off from your chest? What is that one issue you want highlighted! Well, this is your chance. Let me know what topic you want, and I will write about it!!

Don't be shy at all. Even if it something I may not agree with, I will still write about it. Of course, sensitive issues will be debated, and I will see if I can write about that. I don't want to be kicked out of the country!! lo!! The countdown has begun...5...4...3...2...1....HAVE YOUR SAY!



Anonymous said...

Mansur : the topic that i want u 2 discusse is like a game ....mansur : u should write a post .. in this post u have 2 choose nummbers of ur friends who write here in ur blog ...tell about the characteristics of each friend that come 2 ur mind when he or she write his /her first comments on ur blog ..then write about his/her characteristics now after u know him/her very well...afterthat , write 3 or 2 things u like and dislike in his or her personality ( be ware that u should mention if this friend is not only ur reader but u know him /her b4 or u know him /her by other ways like chating or sth else ..finally , this is just a game and may be we all be benefit from our mistakes , so NO MISUNDERSTANDING OR ANGER...i hope u like my idea mansur ..thx

Mansour said...

Xena, that sounds like a fine suggestion. I will think of the ten questions I would ask my potential wife!

Jawaher, thanks for your idea. Just one question, how will this develop into a game? Will someone else also have to do the same?


MASS said...

i ll tell you,,lets talk about feet since my old room mates use to think am a foot fetish :S

feet :)

Anonymous said...

its a game between u and urself ...its shows the efect of stereotypes on our daily life ...we always do the same when we meet a person or hear a name for the first time ...i guess u like xena's idea more forget about my idea ...thanks

q8ibloger: its nice 2 see ur comments here ..pls keep writing ...i like ur blog although i cant write comments their ..but its really worthfull

Anonymous said...

How about Astral Projection.Have you ever read or heard about this is very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,

I personally did not know about Astral Projection. So I did a search... save u the time to find out incase u dont know. Here it is:

In astral projection the conscious mind leaves the physical body and moves into the astral body. The astral body is one of our subtle bodies.

Some people can astral project naturally. Others are afraid to leave the physical body and never are able to astral project. An alternative approach is remote viewing.

In astral projection you remain attached to your physical body by a silver "umbilical type" cord. Some people see the cord and others do not.

You are aware of things you encounter along the way while out of your body.

To astral project, as with all out-of-body experiences - one must feel totally relaxed, clothing fitting comfortable, reclining is best. Often a comforter is best over the body as the physical body sometimes gets cold when you travel out.


Anonymous said...

ohhh great Xena u liked my idea.There are many websites that can teach u how to have an out of body experience like astral projection. it is so facinating i tell you.

Anonymous said...

Yes, anonymous... I am very fancinated. Out of Body experience..I just didnt know it was called Astral Projection. However, I know now and am keen to learn more about it. I suppose you have tried it anonymous?


Mansour said...

ok everybody, thanks for the many ideas! I have decided to write on all of them. They will happen in a series. I will call it Reader's Requests!

RR #1: 10 Questions for Potential Partner to be
RR #2: Friends Factors
RR #3: Fetish for Foot
RR #4: Astral Projection (as seen in Donnie Darko!)

Give me a little bit of time, and I will write about it!


K Khan said...

Actually you know what would be nice?

Why don't you do a tour of all of Saudi, visit all the provinces and blog that.

You can be the Kingdom's very own version of Michael Palin.

Mansour said...

yeah, and I am in Dubai anyways! lol! Its too hot and humid in the summers to do a Kingdom tour...Winter months would be better!

Hibbalicious, I will tag some of teh articles I will write about. I dno't think I would want to tag anyone with "astral projection" now would I?


Mansour said...

Reader's Request #5: An Expat's Views on Life in Saudi Arabia, with specific references to Islam and Saudi Culture (Sounds like a lot of fun to me!)


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