Thursday, July 14, 2005

Harry Potter "Shocking!"

Hey friends,

Saturday the 16th is the official release date for the 6th installation of the Harry Potter series. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I honestly have not read any of the books, primarily because I think the main audience are the children, but when I was in London about two year go, I saw so many adults reading it as well, and their book covers looked liked it was for mature adults-- there was none of the characters drawn on the cover.

The release of the new book is expected to create ripples in the publishing industry. It's encouraging because it shows that the art of reading is not dead-- it's still very much alive. I am glad about that. I for one love reading books.

In Indianapolis, two men have managed to get their hands on the new book, which the bookshop had accidentally left out on display. They read the book and they described it as "shocking" in comparison to the previous five books. Harry Potter has received a lot of praise as well condemnation from certain sections of society, in particular the more conservatives and religious-minded people. They claim Harry Potter series encourages children to delve into wizardry and sorcery, practicing black magic and all.

I haven't read the book, nor plan to do so, but Harry Potter is a phenomenon unto itself. Is it suitable for children given its dark nature? Is it meant for children any more? Are children today mature enough to understand that Harry Potter is just a character? Do you think there is something wrong when children all over dress up in wizards and witches outfits, gather at bookshops to purchase the latest books? I don't know the answers but I do know there will be young children here in Dubai who will be all dressed up in outfits on Saturday morning to get the new books.



Jo said...

I haven't read any of the Harry Potter books. It just isn't my thing. But I do think it is great how this book has gotten so many kids to read. And all this controversy about the books influencing kids to try out black magic is RUBBISH! Witch craft is depicted on tv all the time, especially in cartoons, and it hasn't influenced my little brother into trying out black magic. If anything is dangerous for kids its those computer games they play. But having said that, it's really the parents who exert the most influence on their kids. My bros all watch wrestling religiously and they're not any more aggressive than the average boy. So it all goes back to parenting in my opinion!!!

Mansour said...

Yuor argument is very deserves another article from me which I had been meaning to write. Wait for that one. Thanks for your input though, and I agree with you. Parents need to monitor their kids.


K Khan said...

Dude! Change the background colour of your blog! I can hardly read the titles and am guessing where to click to find the comments!


Jo, i agree with you too. I think the emphasis on Harry Potter and how it encourages study of the black arts is a bit overstretched.

When i was a kid, i used to watch loads of programs and cartoons which expressed values which are incompatible with what i believe is true and correct, as a muslim. However, just because i watched Penn & Teller doesn't mean i'll delve into the world of the jinn.

I think people who are that concerned with what their children are exposed to are dreaming that they will be able to control their kids than is realistically possible.

Jo said...

Mansur leave the colour as it is. Don't listen to Kashif!!! Sorry Kashi ;)

Mansour said...

Hey kashif,

I think you need to let the whole thing download because as it is, you should be able to read where the comments are and all. I think I am going to stick with the blue color.

Hey Jawaher,

He-Man...maybe because he roamed in his shorts the whole time, or maybe because it was violent--- I dont know. I used to love He Man and would pretend my brother is Skeletor and would slay him all the time!! Lol!!


Anonymous said...


Mansour said...

Jawaher, Oh gosh...i am so sorry.....i guess my mind was still on the Blue Man comment when I wrote this comment here. Sorry! :)!


Anonymous said...

its ok mansur im not angry ...i told u b4 i feel happy when i see my name in ur blog ..thx :)))

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