Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Hello friends,

Since the attacks in London, all the analysts and experts have been discussing and analyzing the reasons for a group of four people carrying out the attacks. I wathed Nawaf Obaid, the Saudi Security Adviser, on BBC Hardtalk last night, and he gave his reasons as well. People from all angles have been pouring in with their reasons. Some of these include:

* The attacks in London were in retaliation for the attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan
* The people who carried out the attacks were disengaged from society
* These attackers are unemployed, disenfranchised and not yet assimilated into society
* The bombers have been brainwashed by a superior mastermind, probably linked to Al-Qaeda

There are loads of other reasons, and I don't think there is one solid reason, but at the end of the day, it could be several reasons. Now, what I don't understand is why a group of Iraqi insurgents, or whatever you would like to call them, abduct a group of Algerian diplomats and execute them. I don't understand why these insurgents would want to ambush a group of Iraqi men who were returning from police training. Sure, some could argue that this internal kilings between Muslims has been started by the US. As if everything that goes wrong has been started by the US. Do we kill all Muslims who are not with Al-Qaeda? Do we kill innocents whose government support the US and their allies?

What it all boils down to essentially is that Muslims are killing Muslims. Leave all the politics aside and look at it from a human's perspective. It's a Muslim killing another Muslim. I just don't understand this: why would Muslims kill Muslims?



Jo said...

Mansur dude am comin 2 Dubai this week and since u live there I was wondering if u know of any cool places to check out. Last time I went I didn't really see Dubai properly, just shopping malls n restaurants, so if u've got any ideas plz lemme know :)

Mansour said...


Ha! This calls for a post on Dubai....but jo, you have tell me what your interests are! Shopping? museums? er, shopping? Sports? chilling out? Clubbing? er, more shopping? Let me know what you are interested in, and I can do a post on that!


Mansour said...

Noora's Thought,

I was not aware of this hadith, but I am aware of that famous saying by the Prophet (pbuh) that says something like: if a man saves another man, it is like he saved all mankind, and if a man kills another man, it is like he killed mankind. I would agree with you: people have indeed forgotten their teachings and have politicized their faith. I wonder what goes on in the mind of a suicide bomber-- I wonder what kind of teachings he is being given: a dose of Islamic teaching with some propaganda and hate materials, infused with anger and all.


Mansour said...


Why do people kill people? I don't know specifically why, but there could be many reasons. Revenge, vengeance, military wars, invasion, hatred, could be anything. What I don't understand is how a Muslim could convince himself that killing another Muslim is all right.


Jo said...

anything n everything dude except clubbin innit lol
am leavin sat inshAllah so can u post it b4 then plz :-)

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