Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Outer Space...

Hello friends,

One of the things I often wonder about in life is: is there extra-terrestrial life out there? The planet earth is just a tiny speck of dot in a vast Milky Way. We are in such an insignificant place, surrounded by billions of other stars and planets. Is it possible that there would be life in some other planet earth in some other Milky Way? Is it possible that there is some other planet out there that exist without our knowledge? Aliens? Man has not been able to venture beyond even the furthest of what the eye has seen, so there is no clear answer to this.

I don't believe there are aliens out there, because till today, no one has made any contact with any aliens in any forms. There are several conspiracy theories that governments cover-up such kind of information, but I don't believe in any of these so called UFOs, flying saucers, "little green men" and so on. However, I do believe in a world of angels and jinns. They may exist in a parallel universe, but they exist.

Why has God created such a huge, massive expanse of space? Is there some purprose to it? Why in this huge, massive space did God place a tiny planet called Earth and filled it with His creations? I don't know the answers, but here is what I think about it.

1. God is a Creator, and His creations of the Earth, as well as the Sun and the Moon and the stars are a testament to His awesome-ness. It is important to realize that God created Earth for His purpose, and all we know is that we are merely being tested here on this Earth for some larger purpose. As scientists learn more and more about the vast galaxies upon galaxies, it should not take a lot of time for a non-believer to realize that there is a Creator who created all this. Why God is doing this, I do not know, but I also realize that God's understanding is inifinite, while my understanding is finite, so there are bound to be things I will not understand or what God's ways are.

2. God created the moon and the sun for the purpose of creating a system whereby there are days and nights and a solar cycle thereby creating a calendar. Ramadan is ruled by the lunar cycle. The Gregorian calendar is ruled by the solar cycle. So, there are other creations, like the stars, to help the earth. Sun provides light. The orbiting circle provides changes in seasons and weather. Stars have been used by navigators, and maybe some migratory birds use stars as a guide. God has been so precise, the world tilts on its axis at a certain angle. If this angle changes, the weather on this planet will drastically change for the worse.

While it can be daunting to comprehend the minute-ness of human beings on this planet, it is equally amazing to know that God is still a personal God. He created us for His higher purpose, and He still takes a personal interest in His creations, in other words, us! He sent us messengers and prophets. He gave us Scriptures. He provides for us with food and weather. He is the Creator and Sustainer of our lives, even though we may be a tiny speck in this enormous space of galixies upon galaxies.



Jo said...

Ya I think all that crap about UFO's being hidden by mainly the US gov is silly. But, I don't negate the possibility of other beings in this world...

Mansour said...

Yeah, its something to think about isnt it? Gosh, I seriously wonder if there is some other distant planet where there are some other living beings.


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