Monday, July 11, 2005

Reader's Request #4: Astral Projection

Astral Projection
Astral Projection
Hi friends,
Have you all ever had dreams where you supposedly rose out of your sleeping body, hover around the room and maybe even go flying out of your bedroom window? What about the time when you could observe events, or what was happening to you down below, all the while you were floating up above near the ceiling? If you have, you have just atrally projected yourself.
Honestly, I have had many such dreams. One time, last month actually, I had a complete out-of-body experience, whereby I was flying all over Dubai. At times I was so scared that I might fall atop the Burj al Arab or the Emirates Towers. It was a very surreal experience. I was so glad to woken up in my bed. Out-of-body experience, meditation, lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis are some of the other words used to describe Astral Projection (AP).
Today I want to tell you about AP. With those of us tuned into the Hollywood movies, Donnie Darko was a movie that explored AP quite effectively. I did not know that such a thing existed till I saw this movie, which by the way is a very intelligent and clever movie, and requires repeated viewing. It's a movie which you will either love or hate, but will certainly get your brains racking for answers.
So what is AP? Scientifically speaking, AP is when the consciousness of a person has transferred into an astral body (like outer space), which moves free of the physical body in a parallel world known as the astral plane, something like the picture above. During an astral voyage, communication with other projectors or spirits is claimed to be possible. Sometimes the traveler reports being attached to his/her physical body by a silver umbilical cord. Pets have been said to react in a frightened manner, and some claim seeing an astrally projecting person's spirit as a colored beam or shot or light darting around the room. Astral projectors are said to have described details of the outside world whilst in projection that they could not have known beforehand.
In AP you remain attached to your physical body by a silver "umbilical type" cord. Some people see the cord and others do not. You are aware of things you encounter along the way while out of your body. To astral project, as with all out-of-body experiences - one must feel totally relaxed, clothing fitting comfortable, reclining is best. Often a comforter is best over the body as the physical body sometimes gets cold when you travel out.
Here is the fun part, you can actually try to astral project yourself. Astral Projection website has several techniques which you can use to conduct this experiment. They mostly require for you to be free from distractions, your mind clear of thoughts, quiet place and relaxed. For what to do next, you can refer to the website.
While scientists and psychologists have studied AP, they delve into the idea of subconsciousness and physiological aspects of it. Other groups like New Age and the Occult, have their ideas and reasons and support for AP. For more detailed information, you can check out Wikipedia.
Anonymous, I hope this was helpful. I am so tempted to try out the AP techniques, but I would rather do it in the company of my friend. Plus, I always have these dreams where I am flying over cities and towns, and yet see myself sleeping on my bed.


Anonymous said...

Thank you mansur for writting about AP.My name is May and i'm the anonymous who requested the AP topic.isn't AP great or what.

MASS said...

dude i written a big comment and its gone :(

cant write it again

but i had simmillar experiences in my sleep and sometimes i lose control of my motion

nice post Mansur

so whats the use of AP

what can we do with it

Mansour said...

May, you are welcome. I had a lot of fun writing about it. I am still curious about it thought...I do want to try it out, but only with friends. Thanks for your suggestion.

Q8Iblogger, there could be several reasons for doing AP. People may want to have an out-of-body experience to see if they could travel back or front in time. Another reason could be that they want to see the "spiritual" world, and see what's on the other side. Some people may just do it for the sake experimenting. Yet others like New Age group who are high on spiritualism, and the Occult, use it as a tool to experience spirituality.


Anonymous said...

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