Sunday, April 29, 2007

Movie:: Disturbia


I just saw a movie that I totally fell in love with: Disturbia. Disturbia is, for those with proper movie knowledge, an updated version of Hitchcock's classic Rear Window, where the protagonist is home-bound in his wheelchair because of his lg injury, and gets to see what's happening in his neighbors homes. Disturbia puts its main protagonist under home arrest for an entire three months. Seems like a dream come true for many, but now for Kale. Kale bides his time playing games, surfing the net, watching tv and pigging out, but then is drawn to his new neighbor hottie who just moved in next door. Using his binoculars, he spies on her, and eventually begins to spies in on his neighbor, including several kids who secretly watch porn on their tv and a neighbor who seems morose.

A series of events leads Kale to believe that there is s serial killer living next door, but who will believe him till he has evidence. So he gets his best friend Roland, and eventually the new hottie girl on the block in his shenanigans. One things to lead to another, where all three are convinced that the next door neighbor is a serial killer. But then it turns out to be a case of misunderstanding.

Is Kale really imagining thing having been inside the house for weeks? Or is there really a serial killer next door? I won't spoil the answers, because I think the movie needs to be seen to truly appreciate the concept. This movie is a heavy dose of psychological-thriller-suspense movie with a lot of unintended humour.

Disturbia also poses a serious question about society. When does a simple observation becomes an act of voyeurism? Is people-watching voyeurism? Is it wrong to watch into the neighbor's house, even if there seems to be a murder going on? Disturbia poses all these questions, and in today's age when everyone seems to be hooked onto YouTube, maybe we all have a voyeuristic tendency in us after all.


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