Thursday, May 26, 2005

American Idol:: Finale


So American Idol, the finale has finally ended. Having watched this show from the beginning in February this year, it has been one awesome ride. I had heard about this show when it forst started as well as the infamous judge Simon Cowell, who is well known for his honest, truthful remarks which gets him the boos from the audiences. The whole exceitement of seeing people come in for auditions, and the selection of the top 40 and then down to the grop of 12: 6 guys and 6 girls.

Each week, the finalists would sing songs and America would vote. Each week, one of the finalists would be eliminated. It would be a time of tension and at times surprises and shocks. One finalists stayed longer than he needed to. Another got kicked out earlier than expected. However, for me, the three finalists were the three real winners, with Vonzell, Carrie and Bo. Sadly, Vonzell was eliminated and it was down to Carrie and Bo. I saw the final performance yesterday, and each of them had to sing three songs each. Bo did an awesome job on his rendition of Inside Your Heaven, but it was Carrie's Angels Brought Me Here, that took my heart away. Her song was emotionally packed, and I think people made a connection with her immediately. I think that was the turning point for her, because American voted, and today, after the 2 hour finale, she was declared the winner.

She is awarded a record contract, and I look forward to her album being released because I think she is a great singer, plus several of her songs have been a pleasure to listen to. However, it was the song Angels Brought Me Here that captivated my heart.

Thanks to my friend with whom I was in constant touch via sms and messenger about the show. My friend has been an aweome friend in the way she walked with me through our journey of watching American Idol. We shared so much with one another about the show and our opinions and all. I wanted to watch the finale with her to share the excitement and all, but we are not in the same country! So my friend, you know who you are, thanks for your awesome company! I loved every single second of it!


1 comment:

Mansour said...

I just watched the entire thing all over again. It is such an inspiration to me to see these people coming from simple homes, achieve something so great. it gives me hope that people like you and I, who may never have the global platform available to us, can still do something great in this world!


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