Monday, May 23, 2005

Online Gaming Addiction!

Hi friends,

This recent article in Arab News* made me think about how children growing up today are so different from the time I grew up in Jeddah. The writer talks about how children, and college students even, are spending way too much time playing online games, so much so, they skip their classes. I know this a problem here in Dubai as well, as I am sure it is in other parts of the world,

Before I got my Internet connection at home, I was forced to use the Internet at the Internet cafes. In each one of them, save one, it would be filled up with small kids, playing one of these online games. Sure, its exciting and all, but to be on them throughout the day is taking the love of gaming online too far. These are kids who skip classes, stay online for hours on end and in the end damage their health: eyesight can weaken from constant stares at computer screens and body becomes less active leading to obesity, not to mention the violent attitudes they develop over time, which leads these young guys to think violence will solve their problems!

Instead of the blaming the youngsters for their actions, I would ask: where are the parents in all this? Why can’t the parents keep a stricter control on the kids? Demand to know where the kids are spending their pocket money! Demand to know what the kid learned at school today! If the parents keep a tighter control on the kids’ whereabouts, I am sure we would not have to deal with such issues!

Now, see here is where the government should also step in. Had there been other venues for these young guys, we would not have such an addiction to online gaming. Make that football, basketball and volleyball courts! Make those libraries! Make that skating ramp! Make those public parks, where the kids can run about freely! Make social center, where these kids can have a chance to develop their artistic and athletic skills! Make that cinema! But, no, instead, we get malls, malls and more malls—malls where the single male cannot even go!! Kids/ young guys skipping classes to be at the Internet cafe is but a small part of a bigger problem.


1 comment:

Mansour said...

Oh yeah, how could I have forgotten to mention all the fast food joints and restaurants? No wonder obesity is on the rise!

You know there is an empty plot next to Chilis in Jeddah. There is a board erected there, which says there will be a King Fahd Public Library built here. I was so excited when I saw it first. I had evey intention to come and use the library. That board is still standing there, and it has been more than 15 years now!! I get so sick in my heart when I see that board!


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