Monday, May 09, 2005


Hey everyone,

A guy goes into a barber shop. We think he will get a haircut and leave. But wait, thats not all. He is going in for his beauty regime. He will have his haircut, and then havehighlights. Then, he will have his nails cut and manicured. Finally, he will leave the barber shop with light make up on his face to smooth out his skin!

Is this the new guy in Saudi?

Apparently it is, according to the article in Arab News at§ion=0&article=63422&d=9&m=5&y=2005

(Sorry, I cannot do the hyperlink thing because I am writing on an apple macintosh computer.)

I have seen these young people with different hairstyles and some even with make up on. You can obviously tell they are wearing some kind of foundation and lipstick or lip gloss on. I am sure these young people can rouse the older people's feathers. The more conservative people would obviously not like this: a Saudi man doing make up. Personally speaking, I also don't like men doing make up; make up is women's domain. To understand why these young men are willing to go to such length to do such a thing, there could be so many reasons: low self esteem, rebellion, trying to find their identity or they are simply gays (although not all gays do make-ups!)

We are living in a world where genders and sexual roles are being re-defined. A typical mother is not a typical mother anymore, she is a working mother. A typical dad is not a typical dad, he is a home-dad now. There are now single men who are following suit of beauty regimes that women have been doing for so long. There are now single women who demand equality as that of men. Roles are being re-defined.

This new phenomenon of men doing what the article talks about is something that David Beckham, the British footballer has started. He is generally cited as the world's most famous 'metrosexual' which means that these men are "adopting many of the traits and interests of homosexual men--narcissistic, self-conscious ways, an interest in grooming, fashion, and style--but they are not homosexual." So many young people emulate Beckham, and his sense of fashion and style. I think we all can remember of the time when he wore a sarong, and had his nails polished. He is not a homosexual, but he is adopting the techniques that a typical homosexual would.

If you ask me, I do like a guy who has a sense of style and a sense of self grooming. That can tell a lot about the guy. I get disappointed when I see a guy with dirty, uncut nails, haggard beards, poor hairstyle and bad sense of fashion. These guys could do better for themselves. I am referring to those people who I know can afford to do better. But, I get really turned off when I see guys doing make up, going for regular manicure and pedicure sessions, wearing feminine clothings, putting on lip gloss, carrying a bad with them all the time which includes all the beauty stuff. God has called us to be presentable; He has given the freedom to make ourselves look nice, but that does not mean men should invade the world of make up!

Well, there you go....another trend emerging in the Saudi society. We cannot outlaw it. We need to respect these people and what they do. That is what tolerance and accepting others is all about. What do you think?


1 comment:

Mansour said...

thanks for the suggestions. All I do is use facial scrub, from Johnson & Johnsons, and then apply Nivea moisturizing cream. That's all I need on my face! Also, if I know I am out in the sun, I apply sun block. Nothing else. I don't get my eyebrows done, dont get manicure or pedicures, or use fancy skin creams......gosh, imagine you marrying a guy who did more make up than disaster!


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