Friday, February 10, 2006

Paper Refuses Jesus Cartoons....

Hey friends,

Another news article that is doing the rounds by the The Guardian of the UK reporting that the same Danish newspaper refused to print controversial cartoons of Jesus. But when it came to prophet Muhammad (pbuh), they had no problems in splashing it all over. Isn't this the height of hypocrisy? The more I read about the uprising of the Muslims the world over, the more it seems evident of a widening gap between the Muslim world and the Western world. As of now, 11 Muslims have been killed over the controvery. Embassies have been attacked, flags have been burnt, and the Danes think Copenhagen is the next "logical target." Will there ever be a successful dialogue between the two worlds? Everyone heard the new audiotape by Bin Laden, who talked about another "attack" on Western soil. Will that attack create a wider gap between the Muslims and the Westerners? I shudder to think about that.


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