Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Celebrating Singlehood

Hey friends,

So today is Valentine's Day and Dubai is in full swing. Flowers, cards, chocolates and teddy bears are being brought en masse, at least on this side of town it is. Yes, today is the day when every declares their love to their loved ones. It's not about romantic love anymore, but friends share the love, children to parents and vice versa. However, where does that leave single people like me? I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day. Sure, I may have sent and received cards to my female friends in school/ high school, but they were just more trying-to-get-noticed kind of cards.

Skeptics say why is there Valentine's Day in the first place? Why should there be one day to declare your love to others, when you can do it every day of the year? They apply the same logic to Mother's Day and Father's Day. Why keep one day aside to appreciate your mother or father, when really it should be happening on a daily basis?

Anyways, back to being single on a day when everyone else around seems to have a girlfriend/ boyfriend/ fiance/ fiancee/ wife/ husband with them to celebrate today. I want to celebrate singlehood, and why sometimes being single is better than being with someone. Here are my top ten reasons, among many others.

10. The ability to watch whatever on television without having to fight over the remote control
9. I don't have to shave everyday and can grow a stubble without anyone telling me to shave.
8. Being in control of my budget, expenditures, shopping for myself without any nagging from the other half.
7. I can get out in my car at 1am and drive down to get something to eat, like Burger King or ice cream!
6. I can make a mess in my home without having to worry to cleaning it up.
5. I have the entire double bed to myself!
4. I can surf the internet for as long as I want to!
3. I can blast music to the max volume and listen to James Blunt 24/7!
2. I can be moody without anyone trying to find out if something's wrong! If I don't want to talk - I just won't!
1. The complete FREEDOM to do whatever I want, whenever I want to, wherever I want to!

I am sure there are tonnes of other amazing reasons for being single. So all you single people out there, celebrate singlehood. If you guy have any more reasons for being single, let me know!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mansur,
Liked your lists. I have a couple of mine on my blog. please check it out.

Nice reading someone who thinks alike.


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