Monday, April 30, 2007

Islamic Pick-up Lines

Hey friends,

Someone sent me this email with the title Islamic pick up lines. I was certainly amazed that someone came up with this list. A lot of them I have read before in mass forwarded emails, and Islamic words have been substituted into them. Some of the words are Arabic/ Urdu words, and I am assuming some Pakistani guy/ girl came up with this list. Let me know what you think about it!


1. I'm looking for the "Made In Jannah" tag
2. Are those legs halal?
3.OMG!! I just saw part of your hair, now your obligated to marry me..
4. Wanna pray in jamaat? shoulder to shoulder, feet to feet?"
5.wanna date? i bought a whole box when i went to madinah"
6. Marry me so I don't have to lower my gaze everytime you walk into the room..
7. Girl you fine, I see that praying 5 times a day has really payed off
8. Girl when i saw you i said mashallah, then i said inshallah
9. Would you like to help me wake up for Fajr?
10. Are you a Shiite? Because when I saw you, I said to myself, "She aiight"
11.You’re so fine, I wanna marry you, get 10 kids with you and pray domestic jamaah for the rest of our lives.
12. "U thief. u know, its wrong to steal in islam""how am i a thief?""u stole my heart"
13. Are your feet tired? Because you've been performing Tawaaf in my mind all day long?
14. How would you like to help me fulfill half of my deen?
15. "Nice ankles. Very nice"
16. Girl...I know its haraam "paying" so much "interest" in you...but I can't help myself...17.wanna ride shotgun on my camel?
18.Girl you fine, TAKBEER
19. Girl you're so hot, you make Shaytan sweat.
20. You are the noor of my eyes.
21. Hey do you want to pray together? Should I call you or Nudge you?
22.Your face shines with so much noor that it could launch a thousand (Jihadi) ships
23. Have your ammi call my ammi
24. You are the reason hijab was mandated.
25. You are the coolness of my eyes.
26. I didn't trip over my robe, I fell for you.
27. You're so beautiful, You would make hur-al-ayn jealous.
28. I have some sort of sickness but Allah*swt* has created a cure, thats you.
29. Sister, I'm not drunk, just intoxicated by you.
30. Any cup of water that you pour for me will taste like Zam Zam.
31. The noor on your face is soo strong, I think I'm going to go blind!
32. "Hey I'm a nice muslim boy and you seem like a nice muslim girl, so what do you say we make a halal match?"
32.Allah created everything in pairs, so what are you doing single?
33.Sister For a moment I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Now I see that I am very much alive, and heaven has been brought to me.
34.Our parents engaged us when we were little, they must have forgotten to tell you.
35.I'd like to be more than just your brother in Islam.
36.To watch you pray is a sin of its own.
37.Will my platinum VISA cover your dowry?
38.You can't play basketball with a hijab on, marry me, and we will go one-on-one our entire life. 39. Muslims are supposed to have many children, and I am willing to do my part...
40. Will you help the cause of the Ummah by helping me fulfill my deen?
41.What school of thought do you follow because I thought about you all through school.
42.Do you believe in the hereafter? Oh you do? Then you know what I'm hereafter.
43.It must be Laylatul Qadr. Because that's the night that angels come down from Heaven.
44.I've had to fast every day since the day that I first saw you.
45.I must have died a shaheed and gone to heaven because you are my 72 virgins all in one.
46.I know Halal meat does a body good, but damn, how much you been eatin.
47.Would you like to share my prayer-mat?
48.I'm not sure of the Nikah process. Can you help me through it?
49.I just made dua for YOU
50.I think I just lost my wudu by the sight of you.
51. I'm not staring, I'm just enjoying my first and only allowed look.
52.Sister, you are a hijabi fitnah.
53.I'm new here, can you take me to the closest masjid?
54.You make me realise why we're asked to lower our gaze so much
55.I love the way your Abaya flows when you walk
56.I dont need mahr...YOU are my mahr
57.Do u remember me?...from the alam al-arwah?
58.Is it me or is it getting a lil halal in here?
59.Assalamu alaikum, so what time does a hur al-ayn like you have to be back in paradise?
60.Black is definately your color.
61.Girl if lookin at u is gunnah then i don't want to get any sawab
62."I hope everything I can't see is as hot as everything I can see."


Anonymous said...

this sounds so cheap and indecent, not to mention vulgar. worse than normal pickup lines.

Anonymous said...

That was very crude, very crude indeed, but i did laugh my ass off! well whoever came up with that def has an obscure sense of humour. i like it.

Anonymous said...

So Brother Harris also known as Rated Writes in Response to this issue:

I’m not going to blow this out of proportion,
with a stick or a bomb, but question is
how would you feel if someone used those lines
on your sister or mom?
if you believe, then how can you mock your religion,
with irresponsible sense of humor blocking your vision,
don’t tell me I’m too sensitive,
cause thats rubble and trash,
its sad to see, brothers and sisters disgrace
Islam for a couple of laughs,
would you sell out your deen for a dance and a date,
while kufr nations eat off the ummah dirty
hands in the plate,
our wounds are deep,
this is salt upon the blister,
brothers, you know you wouldn’t let a man
use those lines upon your sister,
this is what you cheer for?
is this what we’re here for?
is this what the sahabah’s shed their
blood and tears for,
i cant see the kitchen
but i can see whats cooking,
shatan laughing the hardest cause
this time the jokes on the Muslims,
how would the children in Palestine feel,
if they knew you used islam with dirty humor and appeal,
this is one example of putting shatan above you,
why you humiliating the only woman that loved you,
take the jokes back, this aint the path of Allah ,
a good laugh ain’t worth the mighty wrath of Allah ,
so how is the Muslim ummah suppose to win,
when we think we picking up lines
when we only picking up sin?

Mashallah, so chill with these “Islamic Pick up Lines”, When it’s time for you to get married, Inshallah Allah swt will take care of you…..

omg.. said...

omg relax ... they left a comment at the top explaining .. but you obviously decided not to add that aye.

should point out that these are only a parody of non-Muslim pick up lines. Taken out of context, some Muslims might be offended by these
All in jest.. humorous "Muslim" pick-up lines...
I am in no way indorcing that anyone use these on the opposite gender; because that would be haram (unless, of course, you use them on your spouse). Also remember, modesty is part of faith..

you guys are taking it way to seriously

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