Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Questioning Faith?

Hello friends,

Last week, two friends of mine messaged me and asked me if I ever felt as if I have everything in life but still there was something missing in life. I told them 'all the time!' They were relieved to know that they were not alone in feeling this way, and this got me thinking: are there more people out there who are scared to expose the real them for fear that others may think differently of them?

I know while growing up in a Pakistani-dominated culture in Saudi Arabia, the tendency is always there for parents/ relatives/ older cousins/ grandparents to shut the kids up if they are crossing the line, especially with regards to religion, namely Islam.

I remember one of my first question to my mom when I was a kid was: If God created us, where did God come from? Surely, as a young kid with an inquisitive mind, this question got me no answer. Instead, I would be told to not think along this line, and to accept whatever I was born into. We would have an imam come to our house to help me and my elder brother read the Quran, and I would ask him two question several times: Why do I have to read the Quran in Arabic since I don't know the language? and Why do my five times prayers have to be Arabic when I would rather pray/ communicate with God in Urdu or English? Again, the answer I would get even from the imam was basically to shut up and accept what I was born into.

I was never the kind to just shut and accept what I was born into, but growing up in Saudi Arabia, I had no choice to search for answers elsewhere. There were no internet, no emails, no online encyclopedias; the encyclopedias we had was censored and blacked out, and so my only time where I could do some research was when we would travel abroad. In London, the bookstore WHSmith became my best friend as I would spend hours in there reading the information I wanted to know.

My mind certainly opened up and my horizons were definitely broadened. Growing up, I could never find any answers to that missing part of my life. I gave up on God for a mere few months because He wasn't there for me. I didn't want to pray in Arabic; I wanted to pray in English. I would be scolded by others if they caught me reading my Quran in English and not in Arabic. I was scolded by some when they saw me highlighting and underlining passages in the Quran. And I would most certainly be scolded and reprimanded for asking some of the more daring questions that Muslims generally like to brush under the carpets. I would wonder why they would do that?

Maybe they are afraid to know something about their faith that they don't want to hear.

I had one amazing long conversation with a friend here last week, and that only confirmed to me that generally, while a lot of us lot would be happy to be born into the faith we are born into, questions and doubts arise, and only a few are brave enough to question the meaning of their life.

As for me, I am still searching for my answers, and no one has been able to answer them. Some people give me answers, but they delicately, cleverly, creatively avoid my real dilemma and gloss over the reality of my dilemma.



Anonymous said...

I had similar experiences when I was growing up too in pakistan, and no one could answer my questions. However I realised when I grew up that its wasn’t because there was some “dark secret” about Islam, but quite simply the imams and others I was asking, simply did not know! And when they didn’t know the answer they just told us to shut up (what they should have said is “I don’t know but I will research and get back to you” – unlikely with the usual Pakistani imam).

Anyway, nowdays there are many excellent websites that have a lot of information to help people. I’m sure whatever your real dilemma (you don’t say what it is), there is an answer out there

Mansour said...

Being imams, wouldnt they have been more knowledgable about faith issues and explain the reasonings fror why my prayers have to be in Arabic?

My real dilemma is that I live my life not knowing what the fate of my salvation will be. Will I get Heaven or will I get Hell. I've been reading the Quran a lot lately, and it keeps on reinforcing the idea of good deeds and bad deeds being weighed out on a scale over and over. Dilemma: I don't know how many good deeds and how many bad deeds I have done in my life, and so I can't keep track my life's doings, hence not being sure of where I will end up in the afterlife.


akjfaifjakmk said...

c for me.. everything started making sense recently. I have searched extensively in the past to gain the 'right' Islamic knowledge so i tht become pious. however it wsn't ez.. the journey ws full of struggles. .which always included feelings of doubt, fear, confusion and etc... Alhomduliah I am now @ a point.,. where everythign DOES make sense..where there is an ans for every question I have. All i can say is that you research..and read a lot (i.e. biographies of Islamic figures, Islamic articles, history of Islam, stories of the era of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W))and then read the Quran and Hadith. and dont just read it... ponder over the verses and if still doesn't make sense, then appraoch some1 who does. do you know, Islamic scholars have to go through seven years of intense education in Madinah University just to understand how to properly interpret Hadith. see.. this means as normal human beings.. v cannot just read the Quran and Hadith and understand the real msg of it right away..nothing comes ez, v hve to struggle for everything.. especially in the way of Allah(SWT). so educate ur self.. through every resource and mean.. and I assure you, u'll get ur ans!! cuz it def worked for moi ;)

Anonymous said...

nothing worked for me....there are a lot of materials out there that also expose islam for its fallacies and all.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mansur,
Have you ever read the Bible? I went thru a similar situation and the Bible answered my question of eternity. I have a place in heaven with God, since Jesus Christ died and paid the penalty for my sins.It is not decided on my good deeds outweighing my bad deeds and not left to a spur of the moment decision of Allah to let me into heaven or send me to Hell.
Ever since I put my trust in Jesus Christ there is no doubt in my mind/heart of what my destiny is.
I am destined for heaven - thanks be to Jesus Christ who has made it possible as part of the Fathers plan for humanity.The Holy Spirit encouarages me each day in keeping my life focussed on eternity since that is my destination once my life on the earth is over.
Believe in Jesus - it is a win-win situation not lose-lose as your current predicament reinforces.

Mansour said...

Yeah I have the read the Bible. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the Gospels.


Tety said...

Hi Mansur!
First of all thanks for your blog - very interesting.
Secondly - about religions: I think you can only get a true faith through questions and doubts. You can't believe what others are telling you, you will believe when you will experience the God with your own soul. IMO

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