Sunday, January 23, 2005

I miss London


Its raining here today in Dubai. The weather is so awesome: misty, calm, serene and peaceful. The cars and people out on the streets are far and few in between. I want to get an umbrella and walk down the street while the drizzling rain hits my face. The green grass looks more greener. The lake in front of the building has raindrops pattering. From the 17th floor, the whole city's skyline looks like some foreign city. I feel like I am not in the UAE any longer.

I miss London! I really miss London!

What do I miss:

1. The great number of tourist attractions: theme parks, museums (loads and loads of them), shopping, parks, theatres, exhibitions etc
2. The large variety of restaurants (my favorite are those ones on the high street where they give you 1 pound pizzas!)
3. As crazy as it my sound: the weather! Living in countries like Saudi and UAE, I miss the clouds and the rain
4. The fact you can just get out of your house, and walk over to the high street (to places like WHSmith, Woolworths, HMV, Blockbuster and that local pizza place!)
5. The public transport especially the buses, trains and the tubes (very debatable according to some!)
6. The concept of the High Street- no need to go to central London!
7. Central London- so much to see, so much to do
8. Great Sales- actual genuine sales, compared to Dubai!
9. One word: Sainsbury (probably my favorite store to do grocery shopping from!)
10. My absolute favorite: the fact you can go to the local Funfair, play games and ride the rides!

All right, I am going to go sit next to the window and reminiscence about my previous holidays in London!



Mansour said...

Yes, I am missing London. I miss the rain and the clouds. Just as much as the Brits are tired of rain, I am tired of dry, sandy, dusty weather!

Whenever I talk to people who have lived in Canada, every single person says: The weather is crazy man! They talk about heavy snow, temperatures in the minuses, making snowmen while layered up in clothes, shoveling your own driveway, windchill factor etc etc. I think Canada would be awesome in the Summers. I have an uncle in Vancouver, BC, where he says weather is great all year round. His only complaint: its too far away!

London has winters which are bearable, plus I like the summers. Sure London has many negative sides as well: people, expensive place to live, shops close at 5-6pm etc etc.

But you know what, I still miss London!


Mansour said...

Hey puss in boots,

thanks for your input. I guess you hate london because you lived there. I always went to London in the summers, and that has always been an awesome time for me. I also think that because I have been living in Saudi for so long, I miss the cold weather and getting some rain as well. Just the way you miss Saudi weather because you are sick of London weather, the same way I miss London weather because I am tired of Saudi weather! Just like you said, everyone has their own opinion. Nothing can beat Sainsbury for grocery shopping. Marks and Spencer give their money to Israel and I dont do shopping from M&S!


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