Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me!

Dear friends, readers and loved ones,

Today is my birthday. I turn 24 years old. Did someone faint back there? Kidding, I turn 28 years old, but I feel like a 22 year old right now. I think for me, age right now is just a number. I feel young and vibrant!

So, gosh, 28 years. I have a lot to be thankful for. I always take time out on my birthdays to thank God for all the good things He has done for me. I know when I was younger, I would go all out for celebrating my birthdays with my class friends. But ever since my birthday back in 1996, I have taken a different perspective on birthdays. There are two birthdays among many that stick out to me prominently. One was in 1992, when I had my class over and we all went to the male amusement park (yes, at that time, there was a theme park for men only. No women allowed!) and did all the rides. We all then had dinner at Pizza Hut. It was a time where I got to hang out with my friends. It was all about them and not me. I even remember putting on the invitations cards: no gifts accepted!

The second meaningful birthday for me was when I was in the US back in 1997. I had four different people treat me out to lunch and dinner four different times. One time was a home cooked oriental dinner, second time was a dinner at Arizona Grill, third time was my lunch paid for, and fourth time was a friend treating me to out for dinner and ice cream. Now that I think about it, I remember my circle of friends doing a surprise birthday for me, which was my first.

So, from 1998 onwards, at every birthday I spend a part of my day taking the time out to thank God for all that He has done for me. I take my birthday as an opportunity to thank God for everything He done for me in my life! So for the year I was 27, I thank God for the so many blessings He has given me. I thank Him for the friend he re-connected me with, I thank Him for the job I was, and am in. I thank Him for the providing me with the money I earn. I thank Him for the many friends I made at my work place. I thank Him for continuing to give me a life of good health and free from any sicknesses. I thank Him for giving me big blessing by providing me with a house here. I could go on and on, and so this is what I do on my birthday.

Another thing I am excited for is that since 1997, I have never had a birthday celebration. I had always been on my own. My 27th birthday was with my parents, which I had after such a long time with them. This year, it is special for me. My friends will be coming over, and we will go bowling. Then we will come back to my place, and we will cook home made meals and dessert, play games and chill out. For that, you will have to wait for the next post!

By the way, it's my mom's birthday tomorrow, right a day after I was born!



Anonymous said...

hey...Happy Birthday...yeahhh im the first one....sorry i couldnt be there...i hope it turns out great...really liked ure idea about thinking about what has happened and thanking God...havent ever done that will try next time....again have a great day...

take care..have an awesome day..


P.S u dont look 28 at all..hehehe ...:P..

Mansour said...

hi HA,

thanks for the bday wishes. its appreciated. well, when you are here over the summers...we will do what you want to do. thanks for the compliments about me not looking like 28....

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Mansur!
Wish you a long life full of joy and love!

Mansour said...

saudi jeans and hibbalicious, thanks for your sweet wishes. It's appeciated.

Some people are confused I know. My mom's bday is a day after mine, but there is a difference of about 20-something years!

Mansur :)

Anonymous said...

happy bir-day to u
happy bir-day to u
happy bir-day dear buntyyyyy
happy bir-day to uuuuu.....


oops wrong blog, where is Bunty baba?

konfused keralite

Anonymous said...

Hey mister, what you think you do here? Bunty baba is not here...beta, now go to Bunty baba's bir-day. Did you put oil in your hair?

Konfused Keralite's Mad Mama

Anonymous said...

Many many happy returns of the day...and wishing you the happiest birthday ever! I hope you had a wonderful day with your friends.


Rain Drop said...

that sounds interesting..
Hope you enjoyed ur day :]

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