Saturday, May 14, 2005

Insensitivity and Tactless...

Hey people,

The article that I had posted here was called "sleepless nights..." and some people I guess could not even be sensitive about it. They tell me I have some "serious issues" and I am a "freak of nature." Another called me a "big baby." I wonder how I should accept that. Of course with total rejection because these people don't even know what the hell I have been through when I was younger. Some people can be so tactless and insensitive to other people's needs and concerns. Just because they have not been what I have been through, I guess it would be pointless to share with them. So what if I am 28 and have a problem? Who doesn't? There isn't any age where the problems stop. If there were any outlet for me to solve my problem when I was younger, I would have done so, but Saudi Arabia just didn't deal with such problems back then and even today!

One thing I have realized, I should keep my personal matters to those who can understand me and appreciate my concerns. I am in no mood to tolerate such sarcastic, insensitive and tactless comments from people who obviously have nothing better to do than put me down! If you think I am being harsh, you might want to think how harsh you were to me in the first place! No hard feelings to anyone, but it would not hurt if you were at least sensitive instead of cruel!



Anonymous said...

sorry hea :)

Anonymous said...

hey i didnt know u were that serious comment wasnt very right for the occasion sorry id thought itd cheer u up....take care


Mansour said...

Hi Farooha,

When the time is right, I will let everything out in the open. Mind you , I am NOT PUTTING THE BLAME ON THE COUNTRY OR ITS PEOPLE!! I just happened to be in Saudi when it happened, and since there was no help available for me at the time, I suffered. It's because the country did not acknowledge such a problem existed and considered it a taboo. It still does. That's all!

Gosh, I think I am leaving too many subtle clues out here. Hopefully, when the time is right, I will write about it all!


Anonymous said...

Mansur, I ask myself "why do people live under the impression that there is nothing wrong w/ Saudi?" I think they need 2 remove the rose colored tinted glasses 2 deal w/ the reality of the situation. They r being naive about it...& I think I know what you went thru. Sorry about it.


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