Sunday, May 22, 2005

Misprounounced Words!

Dear friends,

I recently was at the movie theatres to watch Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith with a friend. Standing in line for refreshments, the family in front of us were taking an unusually long time to get their drinks. I did not mind that, but I did feel a little funny with the way the man was pronouncing some of his words.

“Yes, can I have three ‘cocks’ and one diet ‘cock,” he said ever so naturally.

Huh? What is he asking for? I immediately realized he was referring to ‘coke.’ I was quite embarrassed because my mind went in a certain direction when the word ‘cock’ was mentioned. I can control my thoughts from going too deep towards a certain path, but for this poor Indian man, I was feeling more embarrassed. I wanted to point out to him the correct pronunciation of the word coke, but decided to stay quiet lest I offend him in front of his family.

This incident reminds me of another time in Jeddah at Burger King, when this guy from Bangladesh was there at the counter with his family.

“Yes. We would like two ‘whoo-pers” and one chicken ‘whoo-per.” We all know it is WhoPPers, and not WhOOpers!

I did not know what to make of the situation. Sometimes people can pronounce the word wrongly, and give it a whole new meaning. I have heard so many others, and sometimes I do correct the people if the situation is suitable for me to do so. Sometimes they are innocent mistakes.

Sometimes even I have made the mistakes in the Arabic language. The people here say ‘kee-fak’ as opposed to ‘kayf halik’ in Saudi Arabia. Sometimes the word ‘kee-fak’ is said in such a different tone, accent and manner, that the ‘-fak’ part sounds like a certain profanity word. I don’t say ‘kee-fak’ any longer, since I was not able to say it properly without having to sound like I was swearing at someone!

I wonder if any of you have heard or said any words that gave it a whole new meaning when pronounced wrongly?



Anonymous said...

thats so funny and I can just imagine how hilarious it must have sounded at the time. I had a similar experience where a friend called up Dominoes Pizza and wanted to make an order for their new Chicken Kickers....but instead of saying that, he kept on saying..."Well, I'd like one order of Chicken Knickers.." and Im like rolling in laughter in the back...he was asking for Chicken Knickers....hmmm...? I wonder what the guy who was taking the order thought about that?

Good article Mansour!


MASS said...

funny stuff
bass mashallah thats descent of you that you dont want to embaress others

Unknown said...

Enjoyed this entry.

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