Friday, May 13, 2005


Hello people,

Since I was caught up in my birthday hullabuloo, I was away from watching the news. Today I actually sat down the listened to the news on BBC and CNN. I feel so sad now.

I just don't understand of what's happening in Iraq. Why are so many Iraqis dying? It's like almost every day since last week, there has been one car bomb or other going off. Who dies: The Iraqi people! The figures are extremely high.Yesterday, 21 people died. Day before: 61 people died. Why are these being people killed? There are always reasons that the American convoy was targetted and these Iraqi people just happen to be there, who die innocently. Sure, there are a few Americans who are killed, and their deaths are always highlighted in the media. I hate to see that? Does this imply that an Iraqi death is less than that off the Americans? Should the Arab media give as much importance to the American death than that to an Iraqi death?

If I am someone who is unaware of what's happening around here, I would see this scenario as a "Iraqi suicide bomber killing his own people!" I wonder if the Arab world still advocate suicide bombing? I wonder if they are realizing that the creation of powerful impact suicide bombing that had initially started since the intifada, is hurting them in theirown backyard? I wonder if they realize that they have created a situation where the effect is affecting them and not the Americans and the Israelis? I wonder if the bombers who kill such high numbers of his own people would still believe he is a martyr? I wonder if people see this as a "muslim suicide bombing killing Muslims?' (I would certainly not believe in the idea that it is in the intention of the bomber that counts to kill the Americans, and he will still be a martyr because he is doing Jihad, even though higher numbers of Muslims are killed!)

Despite all this, I am sad because I wonder and think about the so many innocent people die just because they happen to be there at the scene of the bombing. These are real people. To many, they may seem like numbers, but to me, each one of them is a person, a man or a woman or a child. A person who has hopes, dreams and desires. A person who would perhaps was living to hopefully have a chance to see peace in their homleand. Think about it: sixty one people die. I cannot let that number be a number to me. Each one of that number 61 makes me sad.

I ask God: why do these people have to die like this? What is the sense in all of this? Why is the situation turning out to be so messed up? I mean, just yesterday, the US assault intensified, so much so, the scenes of impact happen to be close to Syria. Will Syria get involved now? Will the violence spread all over? The suicide bombings are already effective in Palestine, Iraq and Saudi Arabia? We have seen violence in Lebanon. Who is next?

The only comfort I live with in my heart is that God is in control of the world. He is the Creator and the Sustainer of this world and the lives he gave to every one of us. I take comfort in knowing that no matter what, God is the Ruler over this earth, and I believe despite the chaotic situation, He is still in charge of all what's happening. If there is one question I would want to ask God it would be: why did you allow for so many senseless deaths?

With much somberness,



Mansour said...

Thanks a lot for clearing up on the issue with me. I guess I wrote that article out of ignorance. I think I was like totally frustrated with the recent bombings that I did not think in the right frame of mind. I guess nowadays we see more Muslims groups do it more so than the others, like the Basques Separatists. So, I appreciate you correcting me. I think you are referring to Rajiv Gandhi, Sonia's husband, who was killed when this woman who had a bomb strapped around her blew herself up. Thanks for correcting me. Sorry for the ignorance.


Mansour said...

Hi again,

what I was trying to get to is: these people who do these kind of bombings have obviously been trained to do so. Some may argue that they are brainwashed. I did not mean to imply that the Muslims started it, and I thank you for clarifying the origins of it. I was really thinking about the current situation in Iraq. The bomber is trained to kill the Americans, and in the process more Iraqi people die. I just don't understand that part I guess!


Mansour said...

Hey Hibbalicious,

don't worry about it, but thanks for sharing the information. I appreciate you taking the time to do that since you have had so little time to sleep! Better catch up on your sleep!


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