Sunday, February 05, 2006

"Real" Dreams

Hey all,

Sometimes I don’t understand how much truth there is in a dream. What am I talking about? Well, I had a very “real” dream last night, and though I got up in the middle of it sometimes, I would force myself to go back to sleep to see how my dream would continue. Sometimes they are like in proper movie form, where I actually experience all the emotions.

Dreams of these kinds are far and few for me, but when they do occur, they scare me because some of them have turned out to be true. I can remember in one dream when one friend of mine repeatedly knocked on my dorm room door, and she asked me if I was praying for her. She asked me not once, not twice but thrice! I was concerned for her, and when I emailed her in reality, she confessed she was going through some problem and appreciated my prayer. In another dream, I saw my grandfather stand at the main door of our house, looking directly at me, eye to eye, waving his hand, all the while there is immense bright white light out there behind him. I was at peace knowing he was going to a better place because he was smiling at me the whole time. The funny thing was that he did not wear his eyeglasses as his eyesight is next to complete blindness. Few weeks later, my grandfather passed away.

Probably the freakiest dream I had was when Princess Diana passed away. The world over was mourning her death, and I had a dream that a woman in white, someone famous will die. Weeks later, Mother Theresa passed away.

About a month ago, I had a dream where a cousin of mine introduced me to his son, and even called out his, which begins with an S (I forgot what the name was, but it was something like Suleiman or Saif). When I woke up, I called my mom to ask if my cousin has any son, and she was like no. So was my dream a foreshadow of future events to happen as it was in the case of my grandfather. Or was this dream just pure fabrication. How much of dreams are rooted in fact? Can God use dreams to convey his messages? Can he use an individual’s dreams to convey His message to others?

The one I had last night was too real for me that I am got genuinely scared.

It all started off when I was visiting my cousin and his eldest sister, with whom I get along really well. My cousin was driving his car, and showing me around the city of London. We entered a lane, which he realized was wrong turn, and made an attempt to make a u-turn on this one-way road. He was being careful that no one spots him, and just as he leaves this road, a policeman spots him. My cousin decides on the spot to make a get away. While he slips away discreetly, the police are after him. We all panic in the car, my other cousin near tears as she thinks he will be jailed or something. My cousin becomes more desperate to get away, and manages to swerve his car in and out of the heavy traffic. We think we have made a get away when we crash into something. The next thing I see is my cousin in the backseat lying unconscious on the roof of the car, while my cousin and I are still buckled up in our seats, upside down. I look at him and realize he is dead.

Without even knowing how, we all are transported back to Pakistan, I find myself being comforted by my cousin from the backseat. Soon, her mother comes up and comfort me. I am in a state of shock. I realize that my cousin is dead, and I cannot comprehend that. Soon, every one of my aunts and uncles come up to me comfort me. I cling to my favorite uncle’s arm the whole time like a little kid. I even remember being in my bedroom, trying to decide if I should wear jeans or shalwar kameez. As I walk down to the lounge, I see people gathered around each other, all crying and mourning. Clinging to my uncle, we make our way out to the funeral. I see my favorite cousin out there, and he and I embrace for a long moment. I find great solace in him. He is like my big brother. While still in a state of shock, I walk through the entire funeral procession like a zombie. I meet people whom I have not met in a long time. But what really concerned me was the death of my cousin.

When I got up, I realize this was the first time I had a dream of someone dying, and not any someone, but my cousin. It’s a big deal. I am scared, although I don’t know if I should be. Was this dream a message from God? Or was it Satan’s whisperings to confuse me? Or was it merely my sub-consciousness rising to the surface and giving me this movie-like dream?

I don’t know the answer, but I do know, as my friend told me to do so, that I will be praying to God about this dream, and may possibly give money to charity.



Anonymous said...

GOODNESS.. here I was trying to comfort you about your dream and suddenly I get disturbing news about a dream two of my cousins had a few days back, and it was similar to your dream. Now I am freaking out a little.


Anonymous said...

assalamu 'alaykum warahmatullah,
I read through your entry Bro, and what I have to say is...You shouldnt relate your dreams to peole. Especially where anyone and everyone can read it. Not good dreams...nor bad dreams. You should instead take your dream to a reliable interpretor, or read the book called Dreams and interpretations.
Thats just my two cents.

Mansour said...

Thanks for letting me know. There is no reliable dream interpreter here that I know of. I just thought someone else out there may know what to do. Who is the author of the book you mention? Maybe I can try finding that.

Thanks for your input.


Anonymous said...

Assalamu Alaikum bro,

I've been following your blog for the past month or so and mashallah it is a great inspiration for us all. I hope you are rewarded by Allah for the many gems of wisdom in your blog.

Regarding dreams, then I remember a hadeeth where the Prophet (pbuh) said that an evil dream should be ignored by spitting on the left three times. It should NOT be related to others, since that disproportionately increases its chances of occuring, and all refuge is with Allah.

As for good dreams, the Hadeeth states then one may relate them but only to a trusted or knowledgeable friend or relative who will be able to to offer good advice and not feel jealousy towards what is mentioned in the dream.

I think you can find some good dream interpretation books from reputed Islamic Publishers. You might want to visit Darussalam Publishers; they certainly publish a lot of authentic Islami works.

Thank you and all the best...

Mansour said...

Salaams Abdullah,

Thanks so much for finding my blog an inspiration. I am glad you are enjoying it. I remember reading the hadeeth about spitting in case of a bad dream, but I had forgotten about it. So thanks for reminding me. I usually share my dreams with my mom only since she knows what to do. I shall remember not to mention any more of my bad dreams here.


humblemuslimah said...

Salams I was just going to quote the hadith about spitting over your shoulder three times if you have had a bad dream but I see someone else has mentioned it.

akjfaifjakmk said...

though it's been some time since this blog.. i thought i'd let u know about a site called, It is run my Mufti Ibrahim Desai (resides in SA) and from what I know, he has the knowledge to interpet dream. Also, many people at his site have ask him question regarding seeing some1's death.. all of to whom he has answered that it means nothing but a reminder of death and that we should be constantly be preparing for it. Anyhow, for more info you can visit the site.

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