Monday, February 05, 2007

Jerry Maguire

Hey friends,

I know this sounds crazy but I just saw Jerry Maguire for the first time in my life a couple of days ago. I saw the 2 disc collector's edition on sale, and I picked it up because I had heard a lot about this movie on its release back in 1996. I slipped in the DVD, grabbed my caramel popcorn and soda, and watched this movie.

I tell you, I had tears at the end of this movie. I wasn't expected to be drawn in emotionally, but to see Jerry Maguire go from such an amazing job, right down to the pits, and climb back up to success made for such a feel-good movie. It was Jerry's vulnerability and passion and zest for life that made me want to be him. I saw a lot of myself in him, in regards to him being down in the dumps, and with no luck on my side; but just as Jerry had a good friend Dorothy next to him in his life, I know I have a certain friend to who is there for me in my life during my down in the dumps moments.

It was that one song at the end, Secret Garden by Bruce Springsteen, that made me shed a few tears. A song about that special woman in your life, who will let you inside her secret garden, and thats when you know you have found your soul-mate. I am turning 30 this year, and with each passing day, my hopes of finding the right girl for marriage seem to be diminishing. Will I ever find the right girl? Where is she? I have made many mistakes in life, and have learnt from them, but the one mistake I don't want to make is my marriage.

She'll let you in her house
If you come knockin' late at night
She'll let you in her mouth
If the words you say are right
If you pay the price
She'll let you deep inside

But there's a secret garden she hides

She'll let you in her car
To go drivin' round
She'll let you into the parts of herself
That'll bring you down
She'll let you in her heart
If you got a hammer and a vise

But into her secret garden, don't think twice

You've gone a million miles
How far'd you get
To that place where you can't remember
And you can't forget
She'll lead you down a path
There'll be tenderness in the air
She'll let you come just far enough
So you know she's really there
She'll look at you and smile
And her eyes will say

She's got a secret garden
Where everything you want
Where everything you need
Will always stay
A million miles away

-- Bruce Springsteen



akjfaifjakmk said...

mansurrrrrrrrr... how r uuuu???
i loved that movie soooo much, esp the ever so famous line 'show me the money!' hehe
and bud, dont u dare b hopeless!! know that tht the reward of ur wait will definitely worth it! :D
jahan itna wait kiya hai.. thora aur sahi :) AND i dont think in marraige u can ever find the 'right partner' ... u gotta make ur wife/hubby the 'right' person for u wid hardwork and compromise ;)

Mansour said...

Along with Show me the money, the other two lines that tugged my heartstrings were:

"Shut up. Just Shut up...You had me at hello" uttered by Dorothy when Jerry is seeking to return to her.

"You complete me" uttered by Jerry seeking to get his wife into his life.


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