Wednesday, December 22, 2004

The One about the Mysterious Button

Hi all,

In my recent article, someone by the name of Button left a comment. Mystery ensued as to who this Button was. Button, in her folow-up comment left a message explaining who she is. However, one of her comment struck me: "Many of us here are interested in the Middle East bloggers. KSA seems very remote and mysterious."

Sure, for the people living in the US, the country of KSA can seem that way, but it does not have to be that way. With the internet and emails, information is freely available, and people in the US can venture beyond the Fox News and others to get the complete picture of events. However, I must say that in this blog of mine, I do not aim to belittle anyone, anything or any nation. I also do not intend to endorse the events that occur here in Jeddah. This blog is more about my life, and my thought processess. People can easily become judgmental of KSA, Jeddah or the Saudis. I do not want that to happen.

I am merely writing here what happens in my life. I am not here to defend Saudis, nor am I here to be critical of Saudis.

Thanks for understanding,


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