Monday, January 24, 2005

Fatal Flight

Hey everyone,

back when I was in school, in grade 10, I went with my father, who was traveling with his boss/ sheikh to Europe. The Sheikh was going on his private plane, and that meant I got to go on it as well. Setting off from the private airport in Jeddah, I was absolutely thrilled!

The plane seated about 16-18 people, and the seats were white leather. The layout was like a lounge. There were about only 6 people on the flight. Before take off, I got a chance to sit with the pilot. I saw the gadgets, the controls and saw for the first time how mere buttons make the plane take off. The take off itself was amazing.

We stopped at Athens, Greece for a re-fuel and then landed at Geneva, Switzerland. There, in Switzerland, I stayed at this hotel filled with A-list celebrities, and also got the opportunity to stay overnight at a Swiss chalet and ski! Two day later, we went to London, where I met up with my brother. Finally, we left London and made our way back to Jeddah. On the flight, the Sheikh gave me a movie (James Bond's license to Kill) and I began to watch that on the in-flight vcr and tv.

Half way through our flight, as I was lazing on the leather sofa, the small plane suddenly made a deep plunge. I was lifted out of my seat for a few seconds. My initial reaction was that the engines died and we are falling through the air; a nose dive into the ocean below. I got scared I almost went into a shock. My dad and the Sheikh came running to the front of the plane and barged into the cockpit and asked what the problem was.

Few minutes later, my dad told me that we were flying about 3000 feet too high and we needed to descent to the altitude that is required. I was so scared at the time. That sudden drop was too much for me. I thought I was going to die.

Today, 2005, I still have little panic attack when I am in take-off mode in airplanes. When the plane makes a descent or ascent, I get scared. I think almost always I will die. I become certain that no matter what, my death will occur in a plane!

That one incident so many years ago, has left a scare/ phobia in me. I know I need to over-come it, and I think each time I travel, it is one step I take to over-come the fear and be a stronger person.



Anonymous said...

Oh gosh Mansur...why do I feel like we as humans sometimes feel the exact same way about many things and yet we are so good at covering up our reality. I have fear of planes also. I admit, but when you see me in a plane, you would hardly believe it ! I look and act calm and collective but at many times, I have had my heart stuck in my throat ! One such a bad flight was when I was travelling alone from Sacramento to Toronto via Denver, Colorado. The plane had to do the same plunge in the air and I was so sure that was my last day ! Luckily, I survived that one flight and today before getting onto any plane, I am reminded of that one instant where I thought I no longer was.

We all face the same instances in our lives, but how soon we forget.

- S

Mansour said...

Hey S,

I agree with you. If all of us took the time to be brutally honest with one another, and poured out our souls, I am sure we would have a lot in common that we don't realize otherwise. I know there are loads of people out there who view me as someone who is simple, honest, boring blah blah blah, but the few people who know me intimately know what I am really like!


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