Wednesday, January 12, 2005

How do you know that you are living in Saudi Arabia?

(Hah! I could not stay away from my blog so I had to leave a small tribute for Jeddah!)

Jeddah! Posted by Hello

How do you know that you are living in Saudi Arabia?

Well, the answer to that question is below. As a small tribute to the city I lived in for the last one year, I salute Jeddah!

(This list is a satire based on the city of Jeddah so no offence- other cities may have similar traits!)

1. When you see every single person, from the street cleaner to a 3 year old boy to a maid, driver, cook to a Bedouin grandmother having a cell phone
2. When everyone is holding the cell phones to their ears, even if nobody is calling them
3. When you can see those people who can live without air and water but cannot live without that dusty Caprice
4. When half the people think the word internet means ‘sex’ and the other half thinks it is ‘chatting’
5. When the word ‘family’ means anybody + one girl
6. When you try to open a website and find this: “Access to the requested URL is not allowed”
7. Malls:
Male: when you discover you should keep walking lest you are stopped by a mutawa and accused of harassing women
Female: when you discover that you should keep walking and moving , otherwise you will be harassed by those leery eyed young men
9. When you see two men walking down the street holding hands
10. When you see young men trying to grow huge bushes of Afro-style hair (with much dismal failure)
11. When guys try all innovative techniques just to get to a girl (shoving pieces of papers with their telephone numbers into the girl’s face)
12. When you see graffiti of a an email address or a cell phone number left by guys to get girls
13. When you are turned away from Chilis on a weekend simply because it is family (see rule 5) night
14. When the driver in the right lane wants to go all the way to the left (without giving an indicator light) thereby blocking all the center lanes drivers
15. When you see cars stopped on the zebra crossing or beyond when the traffic light is red
16. When you see small children on steering wheels while dads are on cell phone
17. When you hear that men and women are not supposed to mix and yet see the Filipinos waiter dancing and singing happy birthday to a group of girls at Chilis
18. When the movie you rent are censored and yet see the same movie uncensored on satellite

There may be loads of others. Feel free to include others you think should be mentioned here!

Off for Dubai,


Anonymous said...

when you need a visa to leave the country...
when every other road vehicle is a water tanker...

Anonymous said...

i respect your opnions and your rules that u overdo to give others bad ideas abt Saudi arabia...

so i think also u must respect wut i want to say as i respected u..

((((1. When you see every single person, from the street cleaner to a 3 year old boy to a maid, driver, cook to a Bedouin grandmother having a cell phone
2. When everyone is holding the cell phones to their ears, even if nobody is calling them))))

rule 1 if that mean thing,it's mean Saudi Arabia make ppl live in blessing and beneficence..that i think all ppl r dreaming live like this life!

rule 2 surry but u made me to say...liar

rule 3 that mean the ppl didn't forget how the grandparents lived..and this it's make the ppl prouded cuz they r nut forgot...

rule 4+6 ooooh i think the ppl in your country don't never search abt sex pics or movies all ppl in your country angels ! look in every country there is good and bad ..and u said in rule 6 u said"6. When you try to open a website and find this: “Access to the requested URL is not allowed”
that's mean u r the first one search abt sex or forbidden things from country(man if u live in any country and they give u money u must respect the rules of country as now ppl respect your rules also u must thank any country give u money couldn't find it in your country :)

rule 5:please define wut family mean for u?? man + man??
in addtion in chilis the many of ppl come with their wifes and childern more than as u think .k

man really i feel tierd from writing..maybe in future i will continue my reply if i find again your nice website :)

Mansour said...

hi anonymous,

I think you missed the part where I wrote: (This list is a satire based on the city of Jeddah so no offence- other cities may have similar traits!) It is not meant to be taken seriously. I can make up similar lists for the other cities I live in.

As for you saying that I am giving others bad idea about Saudi Arabia, let me also tell you that I have written many posts about the good sides of Saudi Arabia, including some prominent personalities. Where were you to commend me on those articles. Also, I think there are so many others websites and bloggers that give a worse picture. I don't cross the limit. At times Arab News and Saudi Gazette give a worse picture than bloggers like me.

The Rule about people living without air and water but not without their car, is meant to be a joke. Key word: Satire.

No, I don't search for sex or forbidden things. I search for Middlesex University where my friend is and it is blocked (although I think it may be opened now) I search for the Human Rights report from Amnesty International and that was blocked. But I don't think you can deny teens all over the world do search for sex online, and spend time chatting on msn, yahoo and irc.

I think thats a pretty harsh statement of telling me that I am working in Saudi Arabia because I cannot find money in my own country. That's harsh. I came to this country as a 3 month old, and I grew up here till 11th grade. So my experiences here are from a teen's persepctive in this article.

Family to me is man+wife and kids. But according to malls and restarants, family can also mean boy+girl. I mean, there are been cases when I was refused entry into a mall because I had no family. So I go again with a group of female, unrelated friends, and we are in! So is that family too? Yes families come to Chilis, but does that mean they kick out the single men on weekends? Put yourself in our positions and then you will know what I mean.

Before you continue to refute each of these arguments, please realize that this list is meant to be a "satire" and not an accurate representation of Saudi Arabia.

Keep an open mind and everything shall be seen from a different perspective.

Thanks for calling my blog nice.


Anonymous said...

good info

Anonymous said...

What a great site
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