Tuesday, December 21, 2004

The One about White Lies

Hey friends,

I am not sure if White Lies are ok or not. I recently got into an argument with my dad and my sister about this. Thay said that white lies are ok, just as long as you are not hurting anyone, directly or indirectly; whereas I felt that one white lies will lead to many other white lies, eventually making it black.

At a recent dinner party, someone asked someone:

Cool Girl #1: Hey girl, how's life in London? Did you go to China White?
Cool Girl #2: Hey there! London is great. Yeah China White is awesome.

Cool Girl #2 clearly lied. She does not know where or what China White is!! Cool Girl #2, in order to not come across as someone who is boring, decided to lie. Cool Girl #2 thinks, no one is being hurt, so there is no problem.

Cool Girl #1: Isnt that place great? What do you like about that place?
Cool Girl #2: Umm, actually, its been a while now. I just remember it was great.

Cool Girl #2 quickly turns the topic over to some other things she does know about!

What I am saying here is that sometimes people, including me at times, say white lies, maybe to not hurt someone or to not come across as stupid or boring. Following are moments where I clearly lied:

--- In school, when the report cards were out, I would lie about my grades
--- When we would get our exams or projects assignments back, I would always say a higher grade on something I did not do too good on
--- When my mom or sister asks me what I thought of their clothes or hairstyles, I would give false praise
--- When my friend asked me what I thought about that new bestseller book, I would say it was awesome and the ending touched me (when I clearly had not read it!)
--- Sending myself valentines cards and pretending to the people that I am popular
--- When someone says "I hope I did not bore you", and I say, "No, you didnt, I enjoyed your company", only to have that person stick around for longer!

I can continue to give you more examples, but my point now is that I did say many white lies, but today, I dont do that any longer. Sure there are some sticky situations, and I use my best judgment then, like, when my boss asked me what I thought about this 1.2 million riyals housing project, I could only say but good things about it!

But don't worry, today, I try to stay as honest as I can. You can be at peace, that there are no lies in any of my articles here in this blog!

PS Confession Time: there are some anonymous comments in my earlier articles--- they were left by me! :S

1 comment:

Mansour said...


I certainly did not think of you when I wrote that last example of white lie...so you can wipe away those sniff sniff of yours! :)


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