Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Life of Mansur is....

Hi friends,

So I am back again…not even a day passes by when I feel like blogging again. To those of you who said I was going through a mere phase, I salute you for being right about it. When I first thought I would end this blog, I was so confident about it, but over the last one year, I came to realize how much of an identity this blog of mine has been to me. It’s become indoctrinated in me. It’s become my friend, like my journals always has been. Keep a blog is a bit of a challenge because you know other people are peeking into the private world of yours. You wonder how much you should share.

Getting comments also intrigued me. I valued the worth of my articles based on the number of comments. If I had no comments, it was an ego breaker for me, and when I received comments, it was an ego-booster for me. But, again over time, I’ve come to realize that my articles are written because I want to write them. They should not be valued according to the number of comments I have.

I will continue to maintain this blog. I already have my vision set on printing out my articles here, with comments, and publishing it in a book format for my kids, my great grand kids and their kids to read what life of mansur was all about!

My readers, thanks for keeping your interest here. I know sometimes I bored you endlessly, and sometimes I get your fingers typing for comments (with the Burj Al Arab for example). I think over all, I have managed to keep it quite entertaining (remember foot fetish?)

Take care you all, and guess what, Life of Mansur is back! (When did I ever leave? LOL!)



MASS said...

you fooled me man i thought you were leaving for good,,
how can we forget the foot fetish :P

nice that yr staying
peace out boy scout

Mansour said...

I had serious intentions of leaving, and I was away for a day...with my final chapter published, I thought, ok, this is it..no more blogging. One whole day later, I felt as if my day was incomplete...so I was away for a day and now came back...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

mansur i remembered when u told me that u change ur opinion about me when u saw how i was strong 2 decide 2 continue my study after papa's death ,in one of ur posts...so i have 2 tell u tht u are one of my friend and i keep reading ur posts evryday even if i didn't comment on them ..so i need u 2 be strong 2 encourge me 2 be like u ok?:)keep up we all with u and i love ur idea about ur book i wish i can have it also ;)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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K Khan said...

Cool. Finding an interesting blog is quite difficult. There are so many boring ones out there - but i'm glad that i can still keep yours in my bookmarks.

Jo said...

LOL I so knew it

Mansour said...

thanks you all....like I said, I salute you all who thought I would never leave. You were right!

I am getting a little annoyed with these random anonymous comments from obvious commercial sites....I mean, really, John from Casino Poker online...if you really think my blog is great and you bookmarked it, can you let me know what you find so great.....lol! The same comments from Bookshelf Organizer.....I mean, we get spam emails and now spam comments......time to hit my "delete comments!"


muscati said...

Glad to read about your change of heart, Mansur.

Anonymous said...

hey glad to hear that ure staying (again :P)...hehehe...

take care
keep writing


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