Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Plane Crashes....

Hey friends,

First it was the Air India that slid off the runaway. The cause was something mechanical. All passengers were safe.

Then came the Air France airplane that skidded off the runway in Canada amidst bad weather. All passengers and crew are safe and evacuate the plane in mere two mintes while it was burning.

Next came the Helios Airline that flew off from Cyrus and crashed into the Greek mountains. All passengers and crew were dead. Cause: loss of cabin pressure that cause pilot and others to suffocate mid air.

Finally comes the air crash in Venezuela, where all 161 passengers, mostly French who died.

All this within a span of few weeks.

Is something wrong with the airplanes now? Are these jets coming to an expiry date? Are they not maintained well enough? Are the parts becoming old and rusty? How can I determine that the next plane I fly on will be free from defects?

One time I was flying Emirates Airlines from Dubai to Jeddah, and 25 minutes into flying time, the stewardesses started running up and down the cabin, snatching away dinner tray right under our knives and forks, while the captain was making announcements after announcements. I thought I was going to die. The plane made a huge 180 degrees turn and we flew back to Dubai with one engine only. Inside the other engine, a flock of birds flew right into it rendering it damaged!

My greatest fear when flying is: how the heck can such a huge piece of metal, weighing tonnes, lift of the ground? I used to get paranoid when I would see passengers bring in luggage after luggage, when they all know 20kgs, or 30kgs, is the max in economy. Why do passengers do this? I get irritated when I am in line, and the passenger in front of me starts a row about how his luggage should be checked in because it is only few kilos over. The poor guy behind the counter tries to do his job, but some passangers can be just plain rude. Man, if you have over weight luggage, go pay for the excess instead of getting it on board for free. Why can't people just bring the weight they are allocated? I used to think: goodness, the more over-weight the luggage is allowed through, the heavier the plane will get, and the plane will not be able to take off with so much weight inside it!

Four plane incidents within a span of weeks. Is it a message or just a coincidence?



Anonymous said...

Im freaking out...sort of...

I have to fly back home to Riyadh.

I have a loooooong trip. From Toronto to Frankfurt about 8 hours, then transit 5hrs.. then from Franfurt to Jeddah another 5 and a half hours...then a local flight from Jeddah to Riyadh!

Hoping to have a safe trip back home...hopefully in one piece. But I also accept, when a man has to go, he has to go.. that's it.

Mansour said...

Inshallah your trip shall be safe. I guess when you look at it, there are like 100s and 100s of planes taking off and landing and in mid air. So, just because there have been 4 incidents should not put you off from flying...I just wondered about it . There are planes flying right now. Have a nice trip back home......


Anonymous said...

I love ur clock and the voting thing...where did u get it from?


Anonymous said...

i hope it is a coincidence im so far away...:<...

by the way love the clocks..have one for lahore toooooo :>...

take care

Mansour said...

D: the clocks are taken from The Voting thing, as well as calendar and cartoon strips are taken from Hope that helps.

H.A: I saw this clock on Jo's blog, and I loved I decided to get one for my own blog. I was initially going to have it for Saudi, Pakistan, Dubai and London, but then 4 clocks would be too blog is not a hotel reception desk where you see all those international timings! lol! I'll put up four clock and see what it looks like!


Anonymous said...

hahahaha....well if ure going for the hotel reception look then u have to have one for sydney too :P....hehehhee


Mansour said...

Go to and select a clock, and then copy-paste the link, and presto, you will have ur clock onur blog too! :-)


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