Saturday, August 27, 2005

Suffering in Life

Hi friends,

I don’t know about you, but I suffer a lot in life. To those few people who know who I really am can understand my situation. Some days in my life, I feel so tired, mentally that is. When I am tired mentally, my body is tired, and because of that I feel physically weak. Every time I ask someone why people suffer, they tell me that Life is a Test, and suffering is a part of that. Fair enough, but can I please get some answers from anywhere about why I go through crap in life?

Funnily enough, this weekend, my friends and I were discussing about suffering, and how some people suffer for what they believe in so strongly. These could be people who are persecuted for their faith, to people who dedicate their lives to causes, like Greenpeace, and endure harassment and suffering because of it. While talking about suffering in life, we all came to the conclusion that people will suffer in this life. No one lives a life free from suffering, yet each one of us has a level of suffering to the extent that we can endure. God will not make us suffer beyond what we can bear.

A girl in our group came up with some reasons, as she had done a paper on the same topic, and I thought her ideas were very real and true. Her focus was primarily on suffering as people living in faith. She said that one reason why people suffer in life is that the world will talk against you and your beliefs. Muslims are persecuted for their beliefs in places like Chechnya. Christians are persecuted in places like China and Saudi Arabia. Buddhists suffer for their beliefs. When you abide by a faith, whatever one it is, the world will oppose it and you will suffer on account of your faith. The three monotheistic faiths already tell their followers that the world will oppose them for what they believe in.

Another example she had mentioned was that suffering is a form of worship. When you suffer, you are in a way worshipping God, because this would mean that you are actually being obedient to God, causing people to oppose you. If you were not suffering for God, that would mean you are following the ways of the world.

A third reason she mentioned was that when you suffer, God uses that suffering to work something for the better. It is important to look at the bigger picture and realize that our suffering may be a part in God’s bigger plan for this world.

While I haven’t gone into details about all this, I think suffering is indeed a part of life. I suffer a lot; a lot of it is internal suffering. I may look very fine on the surface, and many people may think I have a carefree and easy-going life, but they will never realize the daily struggles I have to face.

Some days I consider it a joy to suffer, others days I am torn apart and literally have to fall down on my knees to ask for mercy and grace.



Anonymous said...

i totally understand what u mean...i feel like this alot too...but people think im a very happy go lucky kinda guy...never really been able to express it...u express it really well...

take care

MASS said...

yes i tottally agree that all of us suffer to different extents but.. you said this

''Muslims are persecuted for their beliefs in places like Chechnya. Christians are persecuted in places like China and Saudi Arabia. Buddhists suffer for their beliefs''

what on earth are you talking about!!!

let me get this straight there are no saudi christians,,all of them are foreign and they chose to come to make money or what they please,,
so if they feel persecuted they can just leave!!

dont compare saudi to chechnya since 1994 more than 250 000 chechns have been killed by russian forces and am talking civiliansa here and not to mention the huge numbers of maimed people who survived,,,

saudi doesnt kill christians nor they drop boms on them or use chemical wepons against them,,, nor they kidnap and rape their women,,, seriously thats no comparison at all about religious
chechns have been suffereing since the 16th century by the hands of russians

Mansour said...

HA-- sometimes we feel misunderstood. I am glad you were able to relate to this article.

q8i: I never said Saudi Christians. I said Christians in Saudi and they are foreigners. However, having said that, I can assure you there are Saudi who are Christians in secret, and I know this because I have met them personally. I have also met quite a few Emirati here who are Christians. If you open your eyes to the reality of the situation you will realize how much non-muslims are tortured in prisons in countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, all because of their faith. These stories dont make headline news because they tarnish the image of the countries.

Anyway, what I was getting to at was that there are people who suffer and are persecuted because of their faith and these include Muslims, Christians and others. That's it.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Q8i, you must learn to read the details carefully. Mansur did not mention anything about there being Saudi Christians in his article. Why do you get so defensive?? You are making the common mistake most of us make when we read in haste. We mix up details or think we read something when in reality that's not what we really read...which usually happens when our minds are focused on one thing only! Take care and try not to skim through details.

A Well-Wisher.

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MASS said...

YES mr Mansur coz your Prophet Muhammad saw said those who leave islam must be killed,,

can you deny that ??

Mansour said...

This is an open forum, and people are free to talk about whatever they want to. I wil not hold back on that. But what I don't like is when they start attacking my character, and make me out to be something I am not. That is premature and immature. I am not jumping on anyone, and if its anyone who is being jumped at, it's me, even that with little or no reality check on who I really am.

Mr. Well Wisher is not me if that what's you think. I also don't think I am in denial about Islam's ruling on killing those who leave Islam. I am not arguing against that. All I mentioned was that there are people all over the world who suffer for their beliefs.

That's all.


phaedrus said...
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