Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Possessed by the Devil!

Hey you guys,

Last night was something truly amazing to me. I was hanging out with my cousins, and for the sake of privacy, I will not divulge in any details of when and where and who everyone is.

I was with my cousins at the shopping mall where they were supposed to meet with a friend of their. Intially, they wanted to meet with their friend to talk about the properties here in Dubai and some good and bad reasons why someone should invest here. Suddenly, the topic changed and this friend of theirs was talking about how my cousins were doing personally.

"Yeah, I used to see them a whole lot before. But not anymore," said my cousin.

What is he referring to, I thought.

"Yeah," my cousin continued, "I used to see them coming out of the trees when I was in my dorm room. They would be about 3ft high, and I used to scared of them. They were always changing in forms. Sometimes, they would come to me as in person forms, other times they would be coming in like a wind/ wave form."

I was confused. Is he talking about jinns? devils?

"Sometimes, they would come into my room and be with me. Also, they would come and get inside me," my cousin said.

I was just left dumbfounded. Possession of a soul in the new century! I mean, I know people would get possessed like in the old ages and so on, but in 2000, come on. Possession just doesnt happen anymore. Even if they do, the cases are discarded with diseases like multiple personality disorder or the the patients are treated to a psychiatrist.

However, I ultimately asked my cousion, "gosh, how does it feel to be possessed?"

He said, " I get really scared, but then after a while I am used to it. Mansur," he said," many times, I have had these jinns come inside my body. I lose total control of my body. I feel alive, but yet in control of some unseen forces. I feel like I want to scream out loud, but I cannot because I am being controlled. My hands move, my body moves, my face moves according to the other person inside me."

This friend of my cousins, was sitting in the car and he talking in one sentences only. He would say a couple of words, and then suddenly go quiet. After 20 seconds or so, he would come up with more few words. I quickly realized he was communicating with the jinns. As my cousins told me later, this friend of theirs has two jinns, one who is 14 yrs old and the other an older one. These jinns tell him about the situation which could be present or past. My cousins dont like asking about the future. I freaked out. I asked them if he could find out about anyone, and my cousins said yes! I totally freaked out. According to my cousins, everything this friend has told my cousins, based on his commmunications with the jinns, has turned out to be 99.9% true! Scary if you ask me!

I could not believe something like this could happen in todays time and age. My idea of possession is based on The Exorcist, but something like was totally new to me. I wonder how closely related are the Man's World and the Jinns' World? Can the Jinns cross over to the Human World? Is possession something that still happens today?


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