Friday, March 04, 2005


Hi all,

today I am at that point of life where I have too much to think of. Having been free all day, I was thinking about my life. I eventually come to the point where I wish I had an eraser and erase some of the more uncomfortable parts of my life, so those bad parts were not affecting me. I wish I could somehow get rid of the bad memories as well. I wish someone were available to come and take away my bad deeds that I have done. I wish I could have a fresh, new start in life. But life does not give us second chances. We have only one life!

Which got me thinking--- do I have any regrets in life? Is there something I have done or said to something which I regret now? Is it ok to have regrets in life? If it is, then I am powerless to go back and change that course of action. I will be stuck for the rest of my life with those regrets. Or is it better to have no regrets and you can accept whatever yuo did or said as something to learn from?

After much thought, I think it better, for me, to not have any regrets. That way I can be at peace in my heart and mind about any unpleasant eventy in my life. I don't think I regret anything in life becuase whatever happens, happens for a reason. It's all about how I perceive the events, and I perceive them as learning lessons. I learn from my mistakes, and as they all say, you can only change for the better as you experience the worse!

Do you think we should have regrets in life?


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