Thursday, March 17, 2005

The Bus Ride

Hey everyone,

I took a bus ride back home yesterday. It took me more than two hours to get home, and two bus changes. You see, public transport system in Dubai is still in its infancy stage. But there were two reasons why I took the bus yesterday and not a taxi.

*The fare was coming much cheaper: 5dhs, as opposed to 80dhs by a taxi.
* Sometimes, in different cities, I like going on the bus, because thats teh best way to see a city.

Nevertheless, the bus ride took a long time because of the heavy rush hour traffic from Dubai to Sharjah. However, I have some interesting small details that made my day more enjoyable.

1. There was a constant ringing of cell phones. There were two ring tones that were hilarious, and ironically were the ones that would ring the most. One was of several birds chirping as if they were in some jungle. Eveytime his phone rang, it felt like I was in a zoo with birds everywhere. The other ring tone was a like a shrilly scream. So everytime that rang, people would look around to see who screamed!

2. There was one Indian guy who was talking quite loudly in his cell phone. He was talking in broken English, and it became obvious later that he was talking to a Russian girl. He was asking her stuff like: what you look like? what your height? what your hair color? what you like to do? Then he was telling about himself: I am tall, I am 75 in weight, I like everything, I like you.

3. Eveyone stared at one another. Most of the people in the bus were the labor class kind of people, so I stuck out so prominently. I dont blame them, but man, they stared the whole time.

4. When the bus left the bus station in Dubai, five minutes later, the dirver parked on the side and got out of the bus. For 30 minutes, he was standing outside since he was supposed to handover a purse which the previous passanger forgot in the bus. I could hear people in the bus muttering, swearing and getting impatient. I was lucky I had my cell phone so I could play games and take pictures of the city.

5. I wished the bus was like the bus in the movie Speed. We were going so slow.

So I made it home, and I think it was not so bad. At least I got to see the side of the city which I usually dont.



Anonymous said...

hilarious mansur. I literally felt like i was on the bus ride myself.

Anonymous said...

gayism in Saudi - this is obvioulsy a topic that has been pulled apart, chewed, swolled whole, spat out and chewed again....
I came here voluntary several years ago as I heard so much about the strict policies and taboos on sexuality.
I have been gay as long as I know and was attempting a self healing process in 1999 - foolishly I assumed I would not sway if I worked and lived in KSA. I was here 24 hours and had sex with 5 different men, two of which wee nice helpful and cute looking police men.
As time passed I met more men who wanted sex with other men, in fact lots more.
Later I reaslied that many were divided into two groups, 'straight guys" who were sexually frustrated and real gay guys - this is my point , all ove rthe world no matter which culture or governing body rules gays will be gays - We are not man made or conditioned by the society we live in. I am tired of hearing all the excuses why Gayism is so rampant in saudi arabia....what about other Arab coutries in the Kaleej - I lived and fcuked in Kuwiat, UAE, Bahrain and Qatar but will admit Saudi produces the Nicest men. Stop fooling yourselves by blaming segregation and religion it is something in arab mens genes and arab women to ...proof goes back to a time before Isalm was born....Look at the Cities of Sodom and Komhorah.....Eunuch's have been part of "civilisation" way before modern Saudi arabia.
I do agree that restrictions do tend to make ppl more rebelious....but bisexualism and homosexualism is not a product of the society...I had many lovers who are married and have children....why do they still need to go with men???
Wake up world , wake up saudi arabii and see how many members of the Saudi Royal family are gay? They have the money and the power to buy any kind of sex any time of the day.
It is time to stop being narrow minded about these reality matters and deal with what is really happening.....issues like child rape and sexual abuse on 3rd world foreign workers are bigger issues that need to be addressed in this country. Womens rights and the right to be oneself - a society encrusetd with double standards and sincere Family values and outdated traditions that have lost their true meaning.
And then the rediculos Mutawaha a bunch of false hoodlums, I am sure not all....but the three who raped me two years ago , then threatened to turn around and say I seduced them.....what planet are they on?
What the west can learn from the Arab world is their general attitude to wards sex and a society where men walk hand in hand , kiss each other and drag in long white dresses...overall I personally have found that the society as a whole is more tolerant to people who are not the norm ...Fat ppl, dark ppl, gay ppl are amalgumated into the society without predudice long as you are discreet, any gay person has a fabulous live here...and wow what great lovers Arab men are!!!!

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