Saturday, March 19, 2005

Gay Wedding in Saudi Arabia!

Hey everyone,

Although I knew gays existed in Saudi Arabia, this was an eye opener for me. Is this happening bceause of too much repression? Too much freedom? Invasion of foreigners? Invasion of satellite dishes?

The Saudi Arabian security forces have arrested 110 men at a "gay wedding" party in Jeddah, according to a Saudi online newspaper. Al-Wifaq, which has connections with the interior ministry, said the authorities had raided a wedding hall on Monday night after a tip-off and found the men - all Saudis - dancing and "behaving like women". Eighty men were later released, but 30 appeared in a Jeddah court on Wednesday to face charges, the paper said.

Homosexuality is illegal in Saudi Arabia and is punished by flogging, jail or death. The raid was made a day after two men described as gay lovers were executed at Arar, in the north of the kingdom, for allegedly murdering a Pakistani who had found out about their relationship.The interior ministry said Ahmed al-Enezi and Shahir al-Roubli, both Saudis, ran over Malik Khan in their car, beat him on the head with stones and set fire to his body, "fearing they would be exposed, after the victim witnessed them in a shameful situation".

Last year the Saudi police raided another event described as a gay wedding party for two African men from Chad at a hotel in the holy city of Medina. About 50 people were arrested. One of the Chadians later claimed that the party was a rehearsal for his wedding to a woman, and this was supported by a Saudi who said he had provided money to meet the marriage expenses. But according to the daily Arab News, investigators said that party invitations "indicated it was a gay function".

The investigators also found it suspicious that many of the guests had fled at the sight of the police and left their cars behind. It is not known whether anyone was prosecuted. Despite the heavy penalties for homosexuality, most Saudi cities are said to have underground gay networks which organise parties in private villas, and sometimes in hotels. Saudi executions are not systematically reported, and officials deny that the death penalty is applied for same-sex activity alone.



Anonymous said...

if all men and women are kept apart from one another and there is a strict segregation, i am not surprised at this article. gay men are everywhere and you seen them holding hands. i mean how much more gay can you get by seeing guys kissing on each other's cheeks? when you have singles places, no dating allowed and no outlet for single men, what do you expect them to do? I tell you-- they spend too much time with memebers of the same sex, and thus develop same sex attraction! Also, there is a high number of sexual abuse of boys in the Kingdom and thus, the victims tend to develop feelings towards the gender of the perpetrators, and in most cases they are male!

SOS --- Save Our Saudis

Anonymous said...

Freedom means freedom for everyone, even if you don't like them.


Mansour said...

Hi Fareed,

I agree with you: freedom is freedom. But you have to understand that living in KSA, there are certain policies that law-abiding citizens have to obey, otherwise it will be anarchy. If we all break the rules and start taking alcohol and drugs, then there will be a chaos. In the same way, if the homosexuals do something that is forbidden in the country, they are creating a chaotic situation. I also feel strongly about for more freedom in the country. I hope one day it happens.


Anonymous said...

U people are in denial. You keep men and women separate it is clear homosexuality will be rampant. Men cant fuck women until they get enough money to marry, what are they going to do until then? Fuck thier buddies. Homosexuality is rampant in prison, of course its going to be in a society like yours.

Mansour said...

hey anonymous,

while i appreciate your comments, I will have to ask you to tone down your cuss words. As far as stating that homosexuality is there because if the segregation, I believe that is partially true, otherwise, in a free society, homosexuality is rampant, moreso than Saudi! I am sure there are loads here as well, its just not out in the open, but you cannot claim it is because of segregation of the gender that homosexuality exists. It is a bigger problem and there is a bigger cause for all this!


Anonymous said...

I hope they catch every gay in this country and make them suffer for the crimes against decency they have commited.

Anonymous said...

i am a handsome white man who worked in the kingdom for 2 years...i never had a clue about homosexual relationship until i met this handsome saudi gay who intruduced me to that "world".i became his fantasy and wanted to be fucked every minute...i made a documentary out of my experience as he revealed to me that all saudi males are natural born homosexuals....his name is hassan,a muscular, neatly bearded young men who is a lady trapped in man's body.

Anonymous said...

Hello Saudies, do not try to fight the nature.Its high time you guys changed your culture.Sex is god given, if you try to restrict it further, you will have to face some kind of cultural explosion.Adultary is maximum in Saudi...leave homosexuality apart.Please undestand that, in no other part of the world such thinsg happen. We have just a single life...ENOJY maximum without hurting your neighbour.Love!

Anonymous said...

HI.. I'm A Saudi Women..

I would like to talk about this Problem..

acctualy..Homosexuality is a new phenomenon in Saudi socity.. it begin to appear in Saudi Arabia after sattlites and the Internet it came from poor belivers and from nasty socity.. it is against nature.. So how do you want from the Pure Religion ISLAM and good people MUSLIMS to stand against ALLAH who gives them all of this treasures and boons ..?? Tell me how??
Homosexuality is NOT our Innate Character..

To all AMERICANS.. why do you always fight us in our own missions and proplems.. STOP IT that is not your business.. You Alwayas try to destroy our believs and religion.. Do any one told you to defend us from our religioen..

We are very PROUD to Be MUSLIMS .. We are very PROUD to Be SAUDIS..

Thank you,, and please speak POLITE..


Anonymous said...

Guys I am lost, isn't this happening all around the world?????
so it has nothing to do with the freedom or society, i am a saudi and im so eager to have my freedom. i dont think its the reason, i believe homosexuality is an old issue as history its not somehting new to any society! dealing with it should start from home, sauid should be more educated about it, not just ignore it and blame it on society...we have to watch our kids and to raise them good..their are so manythings should improve in here and there (the whole world), and people should try to be honest in doing so....ignoring things as if they r not exist will create more problems.
thank you mansur for the nice site :)

Anonymous said...

To all you biased jerks in saudi arabia, I just want to let you know that homosexuality is not something that people chose. Gay people (men or women, no matter what religion) are gay not by choice. It is natural to them just like it is natural for YOU to be heterosexual. If someone went up to you and tells you to be attracted to the opposite sex, you wouldn't be because you're not gay. Then you should understand that it is the same for homosexuals. They cannot get attracted to the opposite sex just like that.
I say we give them more freedom and respect their decisions. Even if you try to "cure" them, you can't because it ain't a sickness, it's a character trait that you must either accept or just tolerate.
Tell me, has any gay person ever hurt another person? I would agree, yes. But isn't it true that heterosexuals cause problems to? People commit sins regardless of their sexuality. You cannot judge a person based on his/her sexual orientation because once you start doing that then you are rated shallow and a plain fucking homophobe!

As for you religious extremists, well, you suck because you all to "bad" things too. Truth hurst, doesn't it, you lil' bastards?

Anonymous said...

Sexual orientation is a natural or personal choice. As far as nobody is forced to take part in it (it doesn't mater is it homo or hetero sex) then it doesn't hurt anybody and suffer nobody. Only gay people suffer because the nature or God punished them more then enough to be what they are and now we make them even more suffering by making their lives misery... If there is a God who make them what they are, leave it to God to judge them. We haven't been given such a right to do judgment for the things God have done. Only inhuman and uncivilized people will judge, prosecute and execute people just because of their sexuality. It is nobody business what adults do in privacy and with their consent.
Homosexuality existed from the beginning of homo sapience and will go like this till the end of humans. Even in animal kingdom exist the same or similar sexual behavior/orientation.
Some of the biggest human brains and humanists have been homosexuals and there will be.
Take care after your self and leave alone homosexuals/lesbians.

Anonymous said...

about a yr ago, on a quick visit to saudi, me, my cuz and a couple of friends were joyriding on the makkah-jeddah expressway, when we stopped at an exit for food and drinks at a convenient store near makkah---we opened the door and were surprised that there was nobody there--we thought there was a robbery going on and thought of running out of the store to call the police on our cell phone when me and a couple of friends heard weird noises---we went in the back of the store and lo and behold just two miles away from da holy city of makkah this 35 yr old bearded muscular saudi man was camel fucking this young nubile boy who looked twelve thirteen---we felt disgusted and we started shouting---he suddenly looked up and 2 our shock instead of being scared, he told us 2 either join him or get out---he looked drunk or perhaps drugged---needless 2 say, we left the store feeling disgusted---as we left, we saw two shurtaas going in da store---we waited thinking the fucker would be arrested but instead half an hr later, the bearded guy with the two shurtaas came out of da store looking very happing and smoking---we then realized that those two cops were dirty as well---what a shame that this is happening on holy land.

Syed Saboor said...

First of all, strict sex gender segrregation is not the problem. The cause for same-sex activity in Saudi Arabia has to do with the corrupting influences of the West.
Jewish Hollywood and the television industry show lesbianism and male homosexuality to be fashionalble. Especially with the rise of the internet, it is capable for young Muslims do become easily corrupted because of chat rooms and bogus websites which are not run by Muslims putting all sorts of false information about Islam.

Syed Saboor said...

In addition, there is no scientific evidence to prove that same-sex behavior is induced by one genetic attributes. People are not born to be gay or lesbian. Environmental factors, such as culture, have much to do with encouraging immoral behavior. Are people born to be peodiphiles. Of course not. Are people born to rape other human beings. The answer again is, of course, not.

Anonymous said...

This sucks, I always wanted to travel to the middle east. I grew up admiring the city of Mecca for it's architecture.

But since I am a homosexual, I would never risk going there. :( Same goes for the great Dubai... ugh why do you they hate us so?

Anyways despite our difference of opinion great blog Mansur.


Anonymous said...

alslam alikom Hi everybody i am saudi gay...i am atracted to males since i was a child.then an enviromntal factor influnce my homosexuality.bleave me people its so difecult to be gay not just in the kingdom but in the whole could be could be anti_ reliogon but it is happening in all parts of the world and if the homosexuality is a disease we need a treatment not by kiling us but by using psychotherapy way ............... thank uoy and sorry for my bad english

Anonymous said...

OKAY, all you people out there, PLEASE PLEASE keep religion out from this blog. Just as someone rightly said, homosexuality is a human trait--neither a disease nor a choice.

Just like good and bad occur irrespective of caste/ creed/ religion/ race/ gender, similarly, good and bad are prevalent also irrespective of sexuality.

Its Saudi Arabia's own decision to embrace homosexuals or not and we all should respect that.

Well, for us gays, there are countries like Canada, America, England, etc. which are an abode for gays. Hats off to the countries which follow a liberal policy.

The only request of mine is that please do not drag religions and 'your' and 'my' God in between. There is no such thing. God is one.

I read Shreemad-Bhagwad-Gita and Qura'an Majid at the same time...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I worked in Jeddah and Riyadh for nearly 9 years, and I thouroughly enjoyed gay sex there with all young saudi boys from 16 to 26. They simply love man to man sex. As long as you keep it low key, every night you can have 10 boys line up for sex, some are bottom boys who had been fucked by their uncle or brother when they were young---it is free gay sex everywhere, at anytime in town, on the highway, in the street everywhere in Jeddah or Riyadh, in the army camp---I had once near the army camp in Tabuk, wow, that was cool, group sex with all the army in one of their friend's villa--

Anonymous said...

one of the hottest night and exciting night was just outside the Al Shula mall in Khobar, it was rainly so hevily, and I was picked up by two young boys to their 4WD, right outside the shop, we had 3some in the 4WD as the scree and windows were tinted black, we saw outside and noone saw us from outside--so exciting

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