Thursday, June 16, 2005

Saudi Personality #1

Hey friends,

Today I am going to make a change in my articles regarding Saudi Arabia. I am going to write about Saudi people who make a difference in the country. These people are people who I may know in person, or people who are written about in the papers. These people may be very public figures or very private people. Some of my choices may seem controversial, but in my mind, these are people who when I look at make me warm in my heart and I have genuineness happiness for them. I am not going to go into depth into why I nominate these people, but just simply into how these people, in my opinion, show to the world that there are some amazing Saudis!

So, today, I nominate my favorite Saudi, Mr. Khaled al-Maeena.

Mr. al-Maeena is the editor of Arab News, my favorite Saudi newspaper. He has been in the forefront of having reforms in the kingdom, but at the same time also speaks for his faith and the country. He writes on all kinds of topics, ranging from world politics to Saudi issues to speaking out for the people on their plight in the kingdom. He writes for Arab News, and his articles are also published in papers around the world.

My father knows him well, and the cool thing is that Mr. al-Maeena also knows Urdu, so often times we speak in Urdu. I have had the privilege of meeting him several times and I think he is an awesome Saudi friend.



Mansour said...

There are only two Saudi papers that are published in Saudi, Arab News and Saudi Gazette. Out of the two, I like Arab News, primarily because the Letters to the Editors section is great. However, the news is almost identical in the two. Plus, the editorial is better in Arab News!


Jo said...

I'm a huge fan of Arabnews and to compare it to Saudi Gazette is unjust!
I love Khalid Al-Maeena as well as the many writers of Arabnews and in facet, I didn't realise there were sane Saudis until I started reading Arabnews...

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