Sunday, September 04, 2005


Hello friends,

Wow! So I have been away for like a week and it feels like ages. I was fasting all of last week for personal reasons, and it has been very rewarding—fasting always is. I have also somehow received answers to some of the issues that were facing me.

All the while, I was tempted to blog as well, and I had to control myself to not blog. Mid week I was about to post some articles, and a friend managed to convince me to stay away from blogging while I was fasting.

I have loads of things to talk about, loads of stories to share, and so from today, I shall be active once again. You may have noticed how I tried playing around with the blog templates and all, and I still haven’t found what I feel would be a template that would represent me. Thanks to those people who checked in on my blog daily even though I had mentioned I was away for a week.

With much love,



MASS said...

welcome back Mans

Anonymous said...

welcome back :>...

take care


Anonymous said...

dont do it again ok??? ;)

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