Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Burger King Controversy

Hey everyone,

Check this out. A 27 year old married Muslim man in the UK got so offended with the new designs of the Burger King ice cream lids, he called for a jihad against Burger King. Here is the whole story:

Burger King is to withdraw thousands of ice-cream cones because the design on the packaging resembles the Arab word for Allah. The company has acted after the coincidence was spotted by a Muslim customer, Rashad Akhtar, at its Park Royal outlet last week (6), who later telephoned its head office to say that the packaging was sacrilegious.

The Muslim Council of Britain has backed the change. A statement by Burger King (BK) to Eastern Eye said: "The design on the lids of our cones represents a spinning ice-cream cone.

"However, as a result of the feedback we have received, our supplier is amending the lid design."
The US fast-food giant said it would withdraw the packaging in "the near future" once an alternative has been designed.

But the action has failed to satisfy Akhtar, who wants the designer sacked and is calling on Muslims to boycott the fast-food company. Akhtar, 27, of High Wycombe, who is married and a business development manager, said: "Them [BK] recalling this product is not sufficient. It should be taken away from the stores now. "I have had no correspondence from Burger King.

"These people who have designed this think they can get away with this again and again. This is my jihad. How can you say it is a spinning swirl? If you spin it one way ? to the right, you are offending Muslims. I ordered my food and then got talking to a worker, a French guy. He asked me: 'Are you Muslim?'

"He showed me the cone.


"I felt humiliated."

The design change is likely to cost Burger King a lot of money. Even the small restaurants, such as in Whitechapel Road, order about 80 ice cream packages a week.

MCB spokesman Inayat Bunglawala said: "It is true that seen from a certain angle, the design on the BK ice cream lid could be read as closely resembling the word Allah in Arabic.

"We commend the sensitive and prompt action BK have taken to prevent any hurt being caused to the religious sensibilities of others by this."

Ok, now, I honestly don't think that Burger King did this deliberately to incite hatred towards the Muslims. I honestly think it is a coincidence. However, I am curious to know if Akhtar did eventually eat his ice cream or not. Is this story crap? Or is he right? Is it wasting everyone time and resources? Or should Muslims be more stringent and active in checking out for double coded hidden messages in all product designs?

Like Fox News says: I report. You decide.



Anonymous said...

I decide this man should be checked for insanity...he has too much free time on his hands. I mean, think about all the Islamic propaganda that could have benefitted the Muslim World, and they could have gone on record stating the BK is turning Muslim! I personally dont even find it offensive, because BK did not even do that design with the word Allah in the first place..and whats so offensive with a design of a swirling ice cream anyway> Doesn't Allah approve of ice cream or what?

Anonymous said...

This is absoloutely ridiculous.

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