Sunday, September 04, 2005


Hello friends,

I was tagged by Hibbalicious while I was away. I can tag all my fellow bloggers, but they have been tagged already, so the only person left is Xena! (Xena, jaldi karo aur apna blog shuru karo!)

10 years ago- 4th Sept. 1995
(High School, Pakistan) In 12th grade. SATs! TOEFL! ACT! College application essays! Uff!

5years ago- 4th Sept. 2000
(University) Brand new semester. Crappy professor making life miserable for us architecture students. Uff!

1 year ago- 4th Sept 2004
(Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) Working in Jeddah. Loving every moment of it. God, I miss my time there!

Tomorrow- 5th Sept. 2005
(Dubai) Typical day as usual. Going to dinner with friends in the evening (haven’t decided where!)

5 Snacks I enjoy
> Chocolates in all shapes and sizes (Hershey’s, Twix, Lion Bar etc etc)
> Nachos
> Jelly Sweets
> Licorice
> Popcorn (only the sweet kind)

5 Bands/ Artists That I Know The Lyrics To Most Of Their Sings
> Michael W Smith
> Garth Brooks
> Norah Jones
> Other stuff I listen to is instrumental music like Buddha Bar, or movie soundtracks
> No other artist who I would know so well

5 Things I’d Do With $100,000,000
> Give enough to my parents to enable them to retire and live peacefully and happily in a brand new house
> Pay my brother and sister enough so they can live successfully and happily
> Buy a house for myself in Spain so I can move there
> Charity, of course, in particular to children who are victim of abuse and to children who are hearing impaired---Set up the orphanage/ center for abused children/ center for handicapped children/ center for hearing impaired children and see to it they get the treatment they so deserve.
> Buy all those things I have been meaning to for myself: clothes, shoes, and books.

5 Locations I’d Like To Run Away To
> Lubbock, Texas (The most relaxed place I have ever been to)
> London, UK (controversial choice, but I love London)
> Spain (amazing culture and people!)
> Cedar Point, Ohio (roller coaster capital of the world)
> Jeddah (seriously!)

5 Bad Habits I Have
> Procrastination
> Gulping chocolate milk by the gallon
> Not calling people up on a regular basis who I should be calling up
> Lazy to do my follow-up work
> Bad sleeping hours, and poor food choices

5 TV Shows I Like
> The Apprentice
> The Amazing Race
> Survivor
> Seinfeld
> Wheel of Fortune

5 Movies I Like
> The Shawshank Redemption
> Misery
> Phenomenon
> Stand By Me
> The Blair Witch Project

5 People I’d Like To Meet
> My grandfather from my mom’s side (who had passed away when my mom was 13)
> Prophet Jesus
> My friend in Texas- its been 8 years now!
> Xena (friend in Riyadh who I need to meet up with)
> My nephew who I have not seen in person since he was born last month.

5 Biggest Joys At The Moment
> Being single and independent
> Being an uncle to my nephew
> Having friends who love me
> Being photographed by a professional photographer recently
> Losing 2 kilos

5 Favorite Toys
> iPod Mini
> Nokia cell phone 2650
> Apple Powerbook
> My Dvd player
> My stuffed teddy bear


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