Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Guilty? Innocent?

Hey everyone,

I am trying to find out the name of an Indian film, which is quite old and in black and white. I don’t know the name or when it was released, but the story grabbed me in a very profound way that I am trying to track the movie down.

The story is about a married couple that ends up in poverty after the city hits an economic disaster. They lose everything, including their house and possessions, and are reduced to living in slum dwellings. One fine day, the husband is walking down the market place, where he sees an ad that catches his eye. The ad claims that a certain businessman will buy fertilized embryos from people for money. So the husband rushes home and informs his wife. They go ahead with the plan, and soon after at the hospital, they receive in a special container a frozen, fertilized embryo of their supposed child.

While transporting this embryo to the office of the businessman, the couple are caught up in yet another strike, a demonstration, led by the public demanding for the government to do its job for providing for the people. In the madness, the husband accidentally drops the container, and out comes the frozen embryo. The fertilized embryo is crushed. They couple lament and mourn. They weep out loudly, till a passerby asks them what the matter is. “All our money is down the drain!” the man cries. “Why, what’s the matter,” the passerby asks. “We had a perfect embryo which we were going to sell to make money.” Unknown to the couple, the passerby was no ordinary passerby, but a pro-life advocate.

The passerby accuses the couple of murder for killing a child. The husband and wife protest. They are dragged into the court and charged with the murder of a conceived baby. When does life begin? The second the egg in a woman is fertilized? After few weeks when the embryo starts forming in the womb? Or when it is born? Is the couple guilty? Are they set free?

I don’t know and this is one burning thing I have at the back of my mind. The premise is so interesting, and for an Indian movie to capture it years ago must have been remarkable. It is for sure an ‘art’ movie, with none of the melodrama in the regular Indian movies today.

Anyone out there? What’s the name of this movie?



Anonymous said...

do you know the actors and actress in it and roughly which year it was made ?

Mansour said...

No, I don't. That's the bad part. I cannot remember anything about it. II don't think there are any popular actor/ actresses in it. think it is an "art" movie, and probably no songs. I read the review some place else ages ago, in which this movie was mentioned under "classics"'. All I remember is that it is a one name movie, not 3 or 4 words long movie. Any help would be appreciated...


Arabian Princess said...

it seems a very intresting movie!!

bollywood should re-make it :)

Mansour said...

Some people say a life is formed the second a sperm fertilizes an egg. Other says life begins when the fetus is first formed in the womb. Other says it is at 8 weeks when life begins. It's still a sticky issue, and even I don't know when life first begins!


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