Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Cornea Ulcer

Hey everyone,

I am back from the doctor! The one I went to originally was on holiday till Friday and so I had to go to an alternate doctor. This place I went to is in a new place, and I was patient number 516, and my name is Monsoor, because that's how the Filipina nurse wrote my name down.

Before I went to see the doctor, the nurse took me to the eye examination room, where I had to put my face on this chin rest thing, and look into the machine, one eye at a time. I was expecting to look into a light source, but was pleasantly surprised to see a full stretch of a road in a desert, with a multi-colored hot air balloon at the end. That made it easy for me to look straight. So, the machine flickered several times when I look directly at the hot air balloon. Why did I do this? So the nurse could take down my number for my eye. -1.75 for my left eye. -2.0 for my right eye.

Then, I was summoned to the doctor Omar. He was from Egypt (I wanted to run away, but realized it was too late and my eye was more important than the fact that I have an Egyptian doctor!) He made me do an eye check with my right eye, with glasses, and then with my left eye. Again, I had to rest my head on this chin rest device, as he looked directly into my eye. After examining it for a while, he took a small strip of paper, which was coated with some orange medicine at the tip. He jabbed the piece of paper into my eye, from the underside. Gosh! I did not feel anything after that initial jabbing, but he was now looking at my eye with a blue light. I figured he inserted some kind of dye to see whether there was any pus or excess liquid that is not water.

After looking my eye with a blue light, and then the white light, and then again the blue light, I became scared. What if it's serious? What if I need surgery to remove my cornea? It was with much relief when Dr. Omar told me that all that has happened was that the surface of my cornea has been scratched off, as if it were being peeled off. So, because of that, the white spot has developed. Not to worry!! he said, it will all heal up. All I have is a simple condition known as Cornea Ulcer, and it is completely heal-able and recoverable. Thank God for that! He said that the contact lens I inserted must've been damaged which scratched the surface after I removed it.

mansour eyes 006

If you look on the left side of the pupil, you will see a small white spot. That is where the surface has been peeled off.

So, now I have to take two strong eye drops, and rub ointment into my eyes for the next two days. The drops have to be inserted every hour for the next 48 hours, except for when I am sleeping. Hopefully soon, over the weekend, my eye should be back to normal. I am swearing off my contact lenses. To heck with them!

As I glance more and more at my eye picture, I just could not fathom how intricate the design is, and how amazingly well structured a human body is designed. I am just fully blown away at how intelligently we are deisgned, with each part of our body. I mean, look at my eye. Isn't is amazing how it is held in its pocket? Isn't it amazing that there is a mechanism, a tear duct, that gives out water to wash away any debris? Isn't it amazing how we have eyelashes to prevent any dust, or other debris, from entering our eyes? Check out how all the red arteries lead up to my pupil. It's like a piece of art!



Anonymous said...

chalo good to hear that its nothing serious...just take care of it now and get well soon...no late night movies this weekend...hehehe

take care


Anonymous said...

Amen to that too!

Mansour said...

Thank everyone! I can imagine how scary it can get. I freaked out when I saw the white spot....hopefully soon, the white spot should remove by itself and my eye will be back to normal!


Arabian Princess said...

Sub7an al khaliq .. thats all I can say about the last part :)

alf salama 3aleek inshallah

Anonymous said...

i dont know you, but i came across this. and gosh do i know how u feel!! I ended up with a corneal ulcer due to improper care of my damd contact lenses!! and it was the most scariest thing ever i thought i was going blind until the doctor calmed me down and went through the procedures you described, im left with a small tiny scar as well, you know its made me consider doing optometry. It truly is so amazing how our body functions and especailly the eye!

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