Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Mayada: Daughter of Iraq

Hey friends,

There is a new book that I have seen out everywhere called Mayada: Daughter of Iraq. I have always not bothered with it because it is written by Jean Sasson who wrote Princess, the infamous novel about the Saudi princess who gave an expose of the Royal family.

But this review in Arab News is very positive, and I am intrigued now. Has anyone read this book? Is it worthy? I am looking for a new book to read, and someone suggested Clinton's My Life.

I shall decide by this weekend which one I will start reading.



Arabian Princess said...

I read princess .. the story writing was nice, but its definatly not true ..

if you are willing to read it as a novel, then go for it .. but dont beleive everything said in the book

K Khan said...

A couple of years ago, the author was exposed as having stolen the basis of her story from an Arab author who wrote the original as a piece of fiction!

Mansour said...

Goodness! Well, I better do some more research before pursuing Mayada!


Anonymous said...

mansur :-

I am reading one recently called
Serving Crazy with Curry by Amullya Malladi. So far its been great !

Mansour said...

Well, I want to read a book...and a novel...arent they the same. I guess I would prefer non-fiction, probably a biography.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mansur,
I was browsing the net and I saw this blog. Very interesting.
The thing is, you can find my book anywhere in Dubai, Abu Dhabi or any Carrefor all around the UAE , and yes, GCC countries as well. The book is being released in Arabic as well. It is about my prison days in Baghdad back in 1999, and it was never taken from another book as it tells my story and my family as well.
I also am a journalist in Dubai, in GN , might want to c some of my articles there.
Thank you and all the best 2 u
Mayada Al Askari

Unknown said...

Dear Kashif and all the rest blogging on this site. My name is Jean Sasson and I am the author of MAYADA, DAUGHTER OF IRAQ, as well as the three books on my friend, Princess Sultana. I was amazed to read Kashif posting such a falsehood on this site. You should be more careful Kashif. None of what is being said is true. You don't have to believe me, you can research this online. About 10 years ago a German woman who behaved in a rather demented manner accused me of stealing her unpublished work for the princess books. I had never heard of her before that time. Come to find out, she had also accused Deborah Moggach, a writer in England of stealing her stuff as well. Deborah was innocent as was I. The Judge who read the material threw it out of court and fined the woman a substantial amount of money for bringing such a frivolous case to the courts. Had I not been completely innocent, I would not still be writing books as no publisher would publish me. But, since that time, I have had four best-sellers published. So, to all the readers of this blog, Mansur knows what he is talking about when is interested in reading one of my books, which was MAYADA, DAUGHTER OF IRAQ. I met Mayada when I was in 1998 and things came together for me to write her life story. The book is out in many languages and as Mayada says, will soon be out in Arabic. So, be careful what you believe on the internet, as there are many many false reports. I have never stolen anything from anyone in my life, and I think Mayada might vouch for my honesty in life if she sees this blog again... Mayada is a real person, and the book I wrote about her is absolutely true. Mayada has come out with me on tour, so she is not a work of fiction! Neither is the princess, although she has not be able to appear with me on tour, but she has spoken with the publishers, etc. My latest book, LOVE IN A TORN LAND is the true story of a Kurdish woman. If you care about true stories, then you are missing a great one if you believe the lies told online... I recommend MAYADA, DAUGHTER OF IRAQ highly. Now, I hope you enjoy a good read of some very courageous women. All best wishes, Jean Sasson

ميادة العسكري said...

Dear Mansur
I had posted to this blog a while ago, but for some reason, I failed to see the comments made on Jean Sasson’s book “Princess”.
I saw your blog again today and could not help but laugh aloud at the comments made concerning Princess.
You see, during the book tour for the “Mayada Daughter of Iraq” book in the USA, I stayed at Jean Sasson’s house. The Princess made several telephone calls to Jean and I personally talked to her a couple of times.
The “Princess” is very real, I assure you.
It is a sad day when people shoot ignorantly in the dark, assuming the hard work of a writer a false assumption, or simply what it is not intended to be. In reality, Jean Sasson is a woman who cannot live a lie, nor tolerate lies; she does not suffer fools, nor is she one who can live a falsehood.
I saw her tending to her sick mother; I was there when she gave so much of her time and energy to friends, she was always there to offer a helping hand.
I was also with jean for over a month when she came to visit Iraq in 1998. She wanted to observe, first hand the effects of the UN imposed sanctions on Iraq. We visited hospitals packed with dying children; we went to Iraqi homes, walked down streets where no other foreigner dared venture. She made those dying children smile; she sang to them and actually started a little show for them. It did not matter to her how she looked to the adults in those hospital rooms as long as she put a smile on the face of a dying baby.
This is the Jean Sasson I know, and the Jean Sasson all her friends know.
The claims on your blog, dear Mansur, I am truly sorry to say are ridiculous, with all due respect to you
Keep well
Mayada Al Askari

M said...

Jean and Mayada, thank you for making this clarification. I tried accessing your blogs, but Jean's blog is inaccessible and Mayada's blog has nothing on it.

I wasn't expecting for these comments to occur, but it's cool that you have chosen to clarify your standing on what mr. Kashif has said about your book.

There are always two sides of the story and I am sure the readers will read your comments too and make up their own minds.

Thanks for visiting my blog.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mansur... It's good to read your feedback. Perhaps it is because I have been the victim of false accusations, but I truly NEVER believe any accusation about anyone else -- I must see the evidence with my own eyes and from the way the world is going, too often even the evidence is tampered with! I grew up in a very small town where your word was your honor and social censure pretty much keeps most people on the straight and narrow. I have endured three false attacks on my during my long lifetime, and while it is always painful, there is a certain calm when one knows the truth in their own heart. Anyone can read the full account and the judge's findings on my website. It's quite a story! ANYHOW, I don't mean to go on and on... My website is now back up and running -- and that is It has had problems and is in the process of being updated. Anyone can contact me at and I will respond within a few days. Thanks Mansur... All the best to you and to your loved ones... I realize that times are tough at the moment for so many people in the world... All the best, always, Jean Sasson BY THE WAY, did you ever read MAYADA or did all the lies discourage you? I hope not -- Mayada is a very brave woman and her story deserves to be known...

Mansour said...

No. I never did get the chance to read Mayada's story. I can't remember which book I picked up then.


Anonymous said...

To all you smart readers who figured out Jean Sasson to be a first class "HOAXER" I have to say "WELL DONE" NICHTS IST ZU FINE GESPONNEN, ES KOMMT ALLES AN DIE SONNEnN! MARIAipbph

somya said...

Hi all,

Having read the clarification stated by the author and Mayada definately feels good. I have read this book. Mansur, do take out some time to read's one of the good books i have read...i read it couple of years back..but the entire sequence of events is still vivid in my memory...a must read for some one who likes to read sth beyond fiction...


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