Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Miss Muslim-Liverpool

Hey friends,

I don't know how far reaching this news has been, but I don't hear any of the Muslim population making a hue and cry about this situation, at least not as much as they did when Miss World was scheduled to be held in Nigeria. Does it mean they are softening to the idea? She is an 18 year old Uzbekistani, speaking six languages and will be going on to compete in Miss World in China. I wish her all the luck, and hope that she is able to achieve her dreams and goals in her life.


(Taken from Telegraph, UK)
Student is first Muslim crowned Miss England
By Frances Booth
(Filed: 05/09/2005)

An 18-year-old student who was born in Uzbekistan has become the first Muslim to be crowned Miss England.

Hammasa Kohistani, who has divided the Islamic community, beat 39 other competitors in a two-day final at Liverpool's Olympia Theatre.

She was crowned Miss England on Saturday night and will travel to China for the final in December, when she could win £55,000.


Miss Kohistani, of Uxbridge, west London, said: "I'm making history and I'm very happy. Hopefully I won't be the last Muslim girl to take home the title." Before the Miss England final Islamic leaders in the North-West urged all four Muslim entrants to withdraw from the contest as they would be compromising the teachings of the Koran by showing naked flesh.

Miss Kohistani said in response to the criticism: "I don't think I have done anything wrong. I have the utmost respect for the strong beliefs of the religious leaders."However, she said other people also had the right to their own views and she hoped people would respect her for her decisions.

During the contest the girls took part in a fashion show, in which they modelled sportswear and evening gowns. Each contestant also gave a performance of singing or dancing.

Miss Kohistani, known in the contest as Miss Maya after the Asian fashion house that sponsored her, said her family was proud of her.

"As long as they're happy, then my conscience is clear that I have done nothing wrong," she said.

Miss Kohistani has 11 GCSEs at grade A* to C, and speaks six languages including Russian, Persian and French. She is now studying to take A-levels and hopes to go to university to do a degree in advertising.

She was born in Tashkent, central Uzbekistan, after her parents were forced to flee Afghanistan, and moved to England at the age of nine.

Miss Kohistani has now been offered a part in a Bollywood movie.

She said after the contest: "Hopefully I can bring the Miss World title home with me."


MASS said...

nasty and appaling
and all the money she might win is 7arram money

dont you agree ya Mans

Anonymous said...

she is sooooo pretty mashallah :) ...what do u think Mansur

Mansour said...

I am not talking about whether what she is doing is illegal or not. All I said was I hope she gets in life what she is after.

Yes, I think she is beautiful.

I also read there were four other Muslim girls in there, and one of them was from Iraq.


MASS said...

you hope that she gets what she wants evern if its haram ??!!!

Mansour said...

Before you start ranting at me for wishing her luck, you should make your rant towards this girl and the organizers through your own blog. Fair enough?


Anonymous said...

hahahahaa this is funnny...i love such posts and the ensuing arguments....i wish her luck too...:>

take care


Mansour said...

HA maybe you can carry the argument..because I am not going to get into this...lol...


MASS said...

coz there is nothing after the truth but falshood

Anonymous said...

eww, she is not even pretty, not that even matters. wat she is doing is wrong, and it gives islam a bad example.

Anonymous said...

long bearded wahaabists with thobes upto their knees issuing fatwas saying playing football is copying infidels give a worse image of islam than this girl here......loooool....at least she is educated....and knows what she wants in life......and who the heck are you to say she is not pretty...God created her, and you you have the audacity to go on record to say she is not pretty...just because she doesnt fit into your mold of what an Islamic woman should be like: completely covered inside a tent!

Anonymous said...

you are right about one thing, i should't have called her ugly, but i still believe with all my heart that what she is doing is a really bad thing and cannot be taken lightly.

MASS said...

a long beard wahhabist with short thowb is better than a fasiqa with no manners showing her body to the whole world,,

MASS said...

making silly excuses for ill actions is the way of sinners

Anonymous said...

yes, just like the bearded short thobed saudi scholar making sillier excuses for not playing football because its unislamic and ways of infidels is ways of sinners for misleading and brainwashing innocent saudi youngsters with impressionable minds.....

Anonymous said...

what narrow-minded arguments. To figure out whether what she is doing is right or wrong you do not have to go to wahaabists or western scholars to settle the matter. Go to the source, of which there is no doubt. Read Al Quran - where the woman are commanded - wa laa tabarrujna tabarrujal jaahiliyyah -. And do not expose your beauty like the times of the people of ignorance.

How sad that you people have even the gall to stand against the Almighty's Kalaam, and the Sunnah of the greatest man to ever walk the face of the earth.

That being said, hate the sin not the sinner. May Allah guide us all, and save us from statements that will make us hypocrites and take us out the fold.

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