Monday, September 12, 2005

No Comments

Hey everyone,

I am a little confused about something. It seems like that comments on my articles seems to have died down. I wonder if people only comment when I write about controversial stuff, and don't bother to comment on other every-day stuff. I know I primarily write stuff here for my own self, but I got dragged into the commenting business. I fell into the trap of thinking that the more comments I had the more popular my blog was. I looked back at those posts with the highest number of comments, and they all are controversial topics. Of late, I have decided to stay away from controversial topics, or simply from speaking my mind. Let's see how long I can last without writing about something that will stir people up. :-)

Is there someting I am doing wrong? Is there something I need to do right?



Nash said...

Just bec ppl dont comment, doesnt mean they dont like your posts. Since more and more blogs are coming up, ppl who read more just cant keep up with comments, therefore be prepared to receive less comments as time goes on, installing a counter will help nowing how many ppl read your blog.

Nice blog by the way :)

Mansour said...

Yes, initially when I started, I was writing for myself. But then I fell into the idea that I needed comments to be popular. I do have the site tracker, and that says about 50 people visit it daily. I have to snap myself out of the whole idea that while comments are awesome, they are not the be all and say all of how well my blog is doing.

Nash, thanks.
Jawaher, you're welcome.


Anonymous said...


please continue to write for yourself and not what oters want to read.


MASS said...

do what makes you happy
and dont wait for others to comment

i see you have removed my blog off your links
all coz i say music is haram

Araluena said...

I'm still reading your blog Mansur.
Just been very busy with essay writing to post comments =(

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